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A New Exploration Of Zhang Shundian's Mind

Posted on:2020-05-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330602451707Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhang Shundian,an academic great scholar who was named "East Feng West Zhang" with Feng Congwu in the late Ming Dynasty,was influenced by the academic atmosphere in Guanzhong and was once connected with Wang Xue under the guidance of Xu Fuyuan.He was praised by Li Erqu as "a true Confucian in modern works and a forerunner in Guanzhong".In order to understand the characteristics of academic thoughts and the development trend of Ideology in the late Ming Dynasty,it is an appropriate research path to take Zhang Shundian's ideology thoughts as the research object to conduct a comprehensive sorting and understanding.Facing the problems of the late Ming Dynasty when the thought of mind gradually slipped to Buddhism and Taoism,and the development of Confucianism entered the bottleneck,Zhang Shun Dian took remodeling the Confucian purpose of schoolarship as his study wish.Regarding the definition of Confucian orthodoxy,Zhang Shundian followed Zhu Xi's interpretation of the word " Confucian orthodoxy"and believed that it did not refer to the pulse of learning,but to the purpose of Confucianism as learning.In essence,Zhang Shundian believes that Confucianism is the study of oneself and the realization of individual life value.In the process of learning wisdom,Zhang Shundian gradually changed from neo-Confucianism to ideology.through continuous study and understanding of ideology,it was found that Wang Yangming's interpretation of the relationship between knowing and doing was very consistent with the essence of Confucian purpose of schoolarship.Therefore,it puts forward a plan to rebuild the Confucian purpose of schoolarship on the theoretical basis of both knowing and doing.Zhang Shundian profoundly explained the Confucian thought of learning from the three angles of noumenon,work and state in order to reshape the complete system of Confucian learning system.Zhang Shundian thinks that "Ming De" is the core of Confucianism.At the end of the Ming Dynasty,there were many schools.In order to prevent scholars from ignoring the truth because of their numerous opinions,Zhang Shundian specially stated that the academic purpose of each school was centered on "Ming De",which is a different name for "Ming De".In the absorption and development of Wang Yangming's "conscience" ontology,Zhang Shundian borrowed Mencius's " good knowledge and good ability" concept and established the ontology of" Ming De".He pointed out that although "Mingde" is an ontology,it has both knowledge and practice,which increases the weight of cultivation efforts at the ontological level.He further elaborated the two-way process of " that is,the ontology is the same with the effort,and the effort restores the ontology".Zhang Shundian believed that "Zhi Qu" was the work of Confucianism.Compared with the sage who can implement morality naturally,most scholars are those who are hard-pressed to learn.Only by practicing "Zhi Qu" can the true state of Tao's nature be revealed.Through the understanding of "introspection" and " caution solitude",Zhang Shundian highlights frequent self-reflection and he think the ontology and the effort are the same in the essence.At the level of work theory,Zhang Shundian attaches great importance to the reply to the "Ming De" ontology,emphasizing that the purpose of studying work lies in the full display of the ontology of "Tao",and then demonstrates once again the theoretical basis that work is inseparable from the ontology,in order to achieve the purpose of going up to the next level of study,hard work to learn in your heart,you will be realizing the understanding of truth."No longer deliberately distinguish the ontology from the effort" is the highest ideal of Confucianism.Zhang Shundian,based on the theoretical premise of "ne source for substance and one source for function",gives noumenon and work complementary equal status in the process of learning.He believes that only in the process of learning from enlightenment to practice can the pursuit of learning from lower learning be gradually realized.As for the realm of learning,Zhang Shundian believes that "practice" and " understand" are only convenient methods for scholars to practice.To realize the realm of saints,one must also achieve " practice and understand and two forgetfulness".Only no longer see ontology and effort as two thing,and clarifying the relationship between ontology and effort as same,can we realize the sage state of calm and moderate Tao.From Zhang Shundian's ideological system of ideology,we can see that he has a unique understanding of Confucian purpose of schoolarship,and his ideological characteristics have also had a profound impact on many scholars in Guanzhong.Through Zhang Shundian's thought of ideology,we can see his firm belief in philosophy and his protection of Confucian orthodoxy.Zhang Shundian carried out the whole ideological system with "equal emphasis on knowledge and practice".He deepened the ideological theory of" one source for substance and one source for work"in the relation of emphasizing both on ontology and effort,resulting in his academic thought showing the theoretical characteristics of thorough harmony.In his view,the Confucian aim of learning to cultivate oneself and become virtuous is also to achieve transcendence of self-nature and harmony between man and nature on the basis of attaching equal importance to ontology and effort.Zhang Shundian revised Wang Xue based on Confucian purpose of schoolarship,and in the process of revising Wang Xue,he clarified the construction of Confucian purpose of schoolarship,adding new vitality to the development of Confucianism in the late Ming Dynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Shundian, Ideology, Ming De, Zhi Qu, Xiu and Wu both forget
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