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An Analysis Of The Status Quo Of Jazz Dance Education In Colleges And Universities And Its Promotion Strateg

Posted on:2020-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S W WangFull Text:PDF
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Actively developing and utilizing physical education curriculum resources in the reform of physical education curriculum in colleges and universities to build physical education curriculum and improve students' health level has become a powerful guarantee for the implementation of physical education curriculum.Therefore,the integration of jazz dance into the public sports classrooms of ordinary colleges and universities,and further promotion in ordinary colleges and universities,can promote the reform of physical education curriculum in ordinary colleges and universities in China.Jazz dance is a kind of dance in modern society.It is one of the dances that people love very much.It is a dance that not only exercises the body,but also cultivates sentiment,promotes emotional communication,and integrates fitness and entertainment.In order to expand the comprehensive ability of students majoring in physical education,Xianyang Normal University has added the "Jazz Dancee course.It is based on the needs of dance talents in the social dance market.It combines sports and dance and requires students to learn the basic theories of dance.The latest development trend;master the basic technical movements of jazz dance and then comprehensively develop a course for the teaching and creation of students' jazz dance.This research mainly adopts the questionnaire survey method,expert interview method,field observation method and other research methods,and takes the "Jazz Dancee course as the research object,and studies the related situation of the jazz dance course to investigate and analyze the "Jazz Dance" course of the college.The actual situation,the formation of its curriculum characteristics,the implementation of the syllabus,the improvement of assessment methods,and the analysis of the existence,propose countermeasures and recommendations,aiming to fully understand the actual situation of the college "Jazz Dancee course,and further clarify the course teaching Tasks and teaching objectives,optimizing teaching content,perfecting teaching evaluation,innovative teaching methods,adjusting teacher structure,and improving teaching equipment to promote the development of the "Jazz Dancee course of our school,and provide certain theoretical and practical basis for the teaching reform of the course.
Keywords/Search Tags:jazz dance, physical education curriculum, teaching optimization
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