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A Comparative Study Of Lukacs' Theory Of Materialization And Marx's Theory Of Alienation

Posted on:2020-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330575460997Subject:Foreign Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Alienation is one of the important categories of Marxist philosophy.With the official publication of the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844,the concept of alienation has attracted people's attention.Marx's concept of alienation reveals the dilemma of human existence and criticizes the phenomenon of alienation.Since the development of history to this day,human beings have not yet escaped the alienation of living conditions,and alienation has become a major starting point for understanding modern people.As the founder of Western Marxism,Lukács inherited and developed Marx's research,proposed his own materialization theory from the discussion of commodity fetishism.Lukács believes that the issue of materialization has not been solved in the 20 th century,but the extent and scope of materialization has greatly deepened.The materialization problem is not only manifested in the extension of materialization from political and economic fields to cultural fields,but also the materialization mechanism has been deeply and internalized into the way people live.On the basis of Marx's theory of alienation,Lukács criticized the phenomenon of materialization in an all-round way and deeply explored the roots of materialization and sought the way for human beings to get rid of alienation.This paper begins with Lukács' materialization theory and Marx's alienation theory,and introduces the background,ideological origin,materialization or alienation of materialization theory and alienation theory,and the feasibility of comparative research.Secondly,comparing the similarities and differences between materialization theory and foreignization theory,analyze the similarities and differences between the two,and clarify the connection and difference between the two theories.Finally,through the comparison of the two theories,several thoughts are made,and the limitations and progressive significance of the materialized theory are objectively analyzed.At the same time,these two theories have guiding significance for China.We must try to avoid the phenomenon of alienation or materialization,pay attention to the coordinated development of science and technology and humanities,build a people-oriented harmonious society,pay attention to the overall construction of ideology,and strive to achieve national prosperity and social harmony.The goal of free and comprehensive development for everyone.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, theory of alienation, Lukács, materialization theory, comparison
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