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Annotation To Li Kai's "Eye Nest Collection"

Posted on:2020-12-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330572476479Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Kai is an important figure in the academic research of the Qing Dynasty.The Collection of Eyelash Nest is an important classic in the study of Li Kai's poetry.Li Kai,whose ancestors were from northeast China,was called the "Three Old Men of Liaodong" together with Dai Heng and Chen Jingyuan,and belonged to the Northeast poets in a broad sense.At the same time,he was also an important member of the Eight Banners Poets of the Qing Dynasty.As a generation of Confucian scholars,Li Kai read a lot of books,studied classics,and was diligent in writing,leaving valuable theoretical works for the academic work of the Qing Dynasty.Li Kai spent his whole life wandering,making friends,traveling mountains and rivers,and writing and plowing.Until his later years,he lived in seclusion in Panshan,and his poetry creation never stopped.Unfortunately,most of the poems are lost.Li Kaizhi's poems are mainly collected in the works of Eyelash Nest Collection,Eyelash Nest Back Collection,Hanzhong Collection Remaining Manuscripts,and Jidu."Eyelash Nest Collection" is a more comprehensive collection of poems revised by Li Kai himself.It should include the main poems before the sixth year of Qianlong,that is,before the age of 56.Eyelash Nest Collection is divided into six volumes,totaling532 poems.Li Kaizhi's poems are seldom utilitarian and tend to express his natural feelings.This can be corroborated with the trajectory of his life.In terms of artistic expression of poetry,Li Kai widely absorbed the essence of poetry creation in Han Wei and Tang and Song Dynasties,and gradually formed a unique personal artistic style combined with his past experience and life sentiment.Whether it is the extensive use of allusions,the use of predecessor's poems,the Buddhist atmosphere permeated in the poems,or the miscellaneous description of scenery in them,all lines show a sharp and harmonious natural landscape.However,the academic circles pay little attention to Li Kai and his academic achievements,and lack systematic and in-depth research.This paper uses the method of combining literature and philology,absorbs the research results of predecessors,and carries on the proofreading and commentary to Li Kai's Eyelash Nest Collection.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Kai, Eyelash Nest Collection, Notes, Subject Content, Artistic Characteristics, Value Impact
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