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An Analysis Of Rousseau's View Of History

Posted on:2019-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330566484014Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rousseau's concept of history not only has deep connotation,It has both materialistic and dialectical thinking,but it also has many vague,bleak and immaturity.And inspired great ideological interest in Marx,Of course,he also gave some inspiration or inspiration to Marx.It thus constitutes an important link in the history of historical materialism.Studying this link will help enrich and deepen our understanding of the source of Marx's ideas,and at the same time,it will help to further clarify misunderstandings and misunderstandings of Rousseau's thinking.Make more reasonable judgments on their ideological and theoretical significance.Rousseau's main viewpoints on human social history are mostly scattered and fragmented in the analysis and demonstration of the structure of social and political institutions and their changes.However,it has often touched on many important issues or fundamental issues in the category of historical perspectives.It can be described as both profound insights and serious problems.Only then can there be a significant impact on the creation or formation of Marx's historical outlook.Of course,it is reasonable to say that Rousseau himself did not take the view of history as the topic and put forward a more systematic and theoretical view of history.The theoretical focus and basic connotation of Rousseau's view of history are as follows:(1)The process of social and historical development is confrontational,experiencing natural equality,social inequality,and the equal process of social contract,(2)Humanity also experienced the historical process of human freedom,alienation of human nature,and humanity return with the development of society,(3)The evil of human nature and the development of production technology are the driving force for the development of history.Also worth noting is,In an era of rationality,Rousseau resolutely criticizes the negative impact of reason itself on human society,It not only reflects its romantic features based on natural emotions,but also shows that its reflective consciousness is unique and unique in the entire Enlightenment.As for Rousseau,he has always studied history on the basis of the principle of historicalprogress,as well as materialistic factors and dialectical thoughts that radiate from time to time in his ideological theory.In particular,it provides an important theoretical attempt to study historical perspectives and get rid of historical preconceptions such as idealism and mechanistic theory.In this sense,Rousseau can also be regarded as one of the important pioneers of materialist conception of history.This article tries to build on Rousseau's historical contradiction and builds a preliminary analysis framework based on theoretical goals,historical research units,research perspectives,research methods,and class standpoints.This leads to a more systematic discussion and analysis.In order to explain in more concrete terms its historical connections with Marx's ideas and differences.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rousseau, View of history, Marx
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