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The Social Disadvantages And Governance Strategies Of Zhejiang Province In The Early Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2019-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330548965060Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhejiang Province was located in the southeast of the Qing Dynasty,it has always been valued by the emperor because of the local economic and cultural advantages.However,since the end of the Kangxi Dynasty,there have been many problems in Zhejiang Province,which had affected the local development.Liwei began to be an official at the end of the Kangxi Dynasty and he was admired by the Emperor Yongzheng for his frankness and diligence and was sent to Zhejiang because of his ability in local management,and finally he solved the problems.Of course,Liwei did not disappoint the Emperor Yongzheng.During his administration of Zhejiang,he worked conscientiously to properly solve the financial problems.Liwei also carried out several reforms of Yongzheng in Zhejiang Province,such as tiandingrumu,hanxianguigong and yanglianyin.As a result of the flexible polices,Liwei formulated a number of strategies,which were suitable for Zhejiang Province,and finally achieved good results.In order to strengthen coastal defense,Liwei also reformed the military system,improved the combat ability of officers and soldiers,finally improved the ability of preventing smuggling in Zhejiang.Moreover,Liwei also developed Yuhuan Island,making it not only an island for people's livelihood,but also a protection for Zhejiang's coastal defense.In order to protect the lives of coastal residents,Liwei also renovated Zhejiang seawall and sent soldiers to manage it.In addition,Liwei was upright and brave,he often evaluated officials with Yongzheng,he also dared to comment senior officials when he was governed in Zhejiang Province.Liwei's success was not only due to his character,but also because of the trust of Yongzheng and the support of the system and policy.During the reign of Yongzheng,he carried out many reforms and had his own views on the local governance.On the one hand,he ordered the local officials to carry out the reforms seriously.On the other hand,he gave the local officials great autonomy to adjust strategies according to the circumstances.That's what Li Wei did.As a result,he received strong support from Yongzheng and local people.He also maintained stable development and managed Zhejiang in a well-organized manner.In the end,it also proved that Li Wei was a talented and serious model official in the Yongzheng Dynasty.It is also a flexible implementation of the local management of emperor Yongzheng.However,the individual's achievement depend not only on individual talents but also on institutional safeguards.With his departure,there were many problems in Zhejiang,even in chaos.Therefore,it is not possible to form permanent governance in the local area by virtue of one's talents.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhejiang, Social malady, Local management, Liwei
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