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Etiquette And Social Control In The Han Dynasty

Posted on:2019-08-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Z LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330548954537Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an indispensable mechanism for maintaining social order,social control plays an important role in social stability and national development.Compared with the ancient history,the concept of social control is a relatively young,but as a means of maintaining social order and control,social control ideas never absent in human history,so to speak,at any time any society has its particular social control mode.In ancient China,although did not explicitly put forward the concept,but it is early in the formation of the related theory and practice,and show the control means is different from western civilization marked characteristics,among them,the most typical is the use of custom for social control mode.The thought of social control using etiquette has been born since the pre-qin period,but it was finally practiced and perfected in the han dynasty.The han dynasty as the second after the qin dynasty in Chinese history,unified dynasty more vast territory,the political,economic,cultural and ethnic problems facing the more complex,but the continuation of rule more than four hundred years,has always maintained a relatively stable social order,avoids the end of the qin ii died,can say to some extent,is due to its effective custom controls.To custom,therefore,as the breakthrough point,combing the custom in han dynasty and the relationship between social control,makes every effort to achieve social control mode of han dynasty use custom in-depth analysis and investigation,in large part to compensate for and promote the study of history and culture in han dynasty,and for our country and social governance mode in order to provide the beneficial reference.This paper is divided into seven parts:Introduction.This paper mainly introduces the background,significance,source and research methods of the topic,the current research status of this topic,and the key points,difficulties and innovation points of this paper.Because this article is based on custom as a breakthrough point,the relevant research results abundant,so with thelonger length respectively introduces the han dynasty's "the ritual","common" and "social control" related academic trends.The first chapter is "the origin of propriety and vulgarity".It is mainly about the analysis of some related concepts,including the origin and connotation of rites and vulgarity,the relationship between etiquette and customs,and the relationship between etiquette and social control.Comb through the ceremony,the origin of the custom can be found,and this is two different levels of cultural concepts,but it forms a kind of similar to the linkage of the "big tradition and small tradition",the former represents the binding of state institutions,the latter represents the spontaneity of folk life,but they influence each other,mutual penetration,big tradition is to control the little tradition,showing "to li yu vulgar" ideal social control mode,but the common itself to play a role of the code,in the development of history,can gradually evolved into a two-way adjustment mechanism of social control,presents the country's political and civil autonomy restraining each other,interdependence of social culture form.This is also one of the basic characteristics of customs control in han dynasty.The second chapter is "the custom background before the establishment of the han dynasty".It includes the establishment and collapse of the zhou li system and the attempts to restore the ritual order before the han dynasty.With a new integration of Confucian ritual study thoughts of pre-qin became the most important source of ideas,construction of han dynasty ritual and qin shi huang in an attempt to use law to quantico even chi common failure,also for the control of customs in han dynasty,provided valuable lessons.The third chapter is "the thought of custom control in the han dynasty"."Rule by propriety",namely "the Confucian",refers to according to the rites of ethical spirit to achieve governance rule and system construction,the establishment of "rule by propriety" thoughts in the han dynasty,experienced from the formation stage of the early western han dynasty,emperor wudi period to the followers in the establishment of the stage,to the mature stage of the eastern han dynasty,eventually form a relatively complete system of Confucian thoughts.And compared with Confucian thoughts,customs control thought of han dynasty is the basic of a consistent,inaddition to the early western han dynasty "follow traditions","common" ideas,critical ShiSu customs of transforming social traditions and customs consciousness is for the mainstream.The fourth chapter is the practice of social control in the han dynasty.Including construction of ritual,ceremony Renaissance promote many practices,such as integration,etiquette,manners,through the practice,the han dynasty rulers to achieve the institutionalization of the ritual,textual,legalization and socialization,since then,"in the Confucian" is no longer just a kind of idea or political ideal,but fusion system,education,law and social ethics as a whole,ultimately forming a complete set of complete system of music civilization system.The fifth chapter is the practice of social control in the han dynasty.Compared to the practice of Confucian,han customs control practice content is more complex,means more diverse,more blur the boundaries between each other,so in introduced in this paper,on the basis of whether formed definite regulations will be divided into system and other specific practice,but in fact,both exist obvious overlap,such as setting up a people to mission,belongs to the construction of system level,and exists in the local society for customs control spontaneous practice,it is the custom in han dynasty control national binding and folk spontaneous important manifestation of the mutual coupling.With different Confucian practice largely dominated by the state,custom control of han dynasty in the spontaneity of largely depends on the local society,formed the model and is responsible for guiding public opinion,morals and etiquette is responsible for education,law and order is responsible for neat,multi-pronged,comprehensive control pattern.The sixth chapter is "the characteristic and effect of custom control in han dynasty".The han dynasty as the second after the qin dynasty in Chinese history,unified dynasty added up to more than four hundred years of the eastern han dynasty,the western han dynasty has always maintained a relatively stable social order,to avoid the qin ii and dead end,in it,the effective means of social control has played an important role.Custom control mode from the han dynasty,long duration,means more rich,and show a custom linkage and the folk spontaneous characteristics ofpower,not only effectively maintain the stability of the social order at the time,after more rulers for reference,the and its profound influence on later generations.As a new mode of social control,however,in specific practicing process,inevitably there will be resistance and happens repeatedly,and then produce some negative feedback,this is also need to notice all the more.
Keywords/Search Tags:The etiquette and custom of Han dynasty, Social control, Confucian, Transforming social traditions
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