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Liu Chang′s Social Control Thought

Posted on:2014-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330479979830Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Liu Chang is a representative figure of the the Northern Song doubt by the thought of its doctrine of the Song Neo establishing certain paper studies the idea of social control. Social control is the use of social norms and the process of regulating and restricting the social behavior of the members of society and values corresponding to means and methods, guidance and constraints of the various types of social relations. Social control of the feudal era mainly as monarch of the country’s governance, Confucianism is the dominant ideology of the feudal dynasty, the transformation and innovation of Confucianism to the establishment of a new social control system of thought.The formation of the of Liu Chang social control thought their family history, closely related to official career history and social background of the times. North Song Dynasty Confucianism culture an important period of transition and development, this period Confucianism inherited the Late Tang Confucianism, and fusion of Buddhism and Taoism, and has laid a solid foundation for the formation of jurisprudence. Study of changes is an important element in the transformation of Confucian culture, Liu Chang of Classical Studies, New Confucianism has outstanding contributions. Liu Chang social control ideology is built on the basis of a deep social crisis of the Northern Song Dynasty, has a profound and unique insight govern the country, and the proposed of moralization, Confucianism, the rule of law, the monarch rule and other aspects of social control advocates.In this paper, Liu Chang’s family background, official career history, knowledge and writings are introduced, the main focus of their societies thought control. Social control in many ways, including two forms: one is the external force control, the primary means of legal control, military control, discipline, administrative control. Another is the internal education, to ease the control, constrained control from the people’s customs, morality, religion, opinion, is the concept of moral force to influence people, to regulate people’s social behavior, so as to achieve the social control purposes. After the adoption of the the Dong Zhongshu recommendations "to abandon 100, Only Confucianism" from the Han Dynasty, Confucianism became the orthodoxy of traditional Chinese feudal society. Confucianism focuses on public enlightenment and persuasion, combined with the idea of rule of law in order to strengthen social control. The main content of the article into four parts, the first part of the introduction to the life of Liu Chang, in order to deepen the understanding of the school official Liu; The second part discusses the social background of the times Liu Chang social thought control and "Human Nature" basis, aimed at to reveal Chang ideological and social roots; Chapter IV and Chapter V focus of the article, chapter, Chapter IV Liu Chang classical studies, "orthodoxy" inheritance, the Confucianism maintenance, ritual system thought for discussed in detail and explained by the values of reconstruction and Confucian moral thought the point of view of the role of education within the social control theory of Liu Chang also pointed out that the monarch and his subjects how the relationship between the administration and the monarch and his importance for the strengthening of social control, how effective social control is analyzed from the point of view of the ruler. The fifth chapter from the monarch and his subjects, governance, economic development, ritual Level elaborated Liu Chang external social control.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Chang, Classics, Confucian orthodoxy, Social Control
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