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Research On Gong Xian's Ink Landscape Painting In Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2019-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The landscape painter Gong Xian,the first of the "Eight Masters of Nanjing",is an important painter with innovative significance and an important representative of the landscape painting.He has created a beautiful art style with "muddy fall",which has exerted a profound influence on the later generations,leaving behind a valuable treasure.Gong Xian's disciples,related schools and modern landscape painters didn't inherit the creation of Gong Yin's landscape painting,and formed their own unique painting style.This paper takes the study of Gong Xian's landscape painting as the theme.First,it starts with the overview of the art style of Gong Xian's collection of ink and wash painting,and summarizes the overview of the ink painting and the analysis of Gong Xian's unique accumulation of ink and the extension of the times.Secondly,combined with the factors of Gong Xian integrated ink landscape painting form extended about inherited factors,natural geographical environment and individual factors.After talking about the analysis of the characteristics of Gong Xian ink landscape painting,including the "black" and "thick" and "run" and "reality","light" and "chaos".The second is to analyze modern artists' inheritance of Gong Xian's landscape painting by analyzing works.Finally,it emphasizes the inspiration of Gong Xian's painting of landscape painting to my creation,including the pursuit of "strange" and "Ann" and the flexible use of ink and ink.Gong Xian's accumulate-ink technique outstanding contribution,have a very high status in the history of art,is an important force for the future of art.
Keywords/Search Tags:inheritance, innovation, chaos
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