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Research On The Temporal Structure Of Consumer Festivals

Posted on:2019-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M LiuFull Text:PDF
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Since entering the industrial society,consumption is very common in daily life.Baudrillard believes that contemporary society is no longer a human-centered society,but a society centered on things.The public believes that "objects" can fill the pent-up individual desires under modernity.Consuming festivals is a typical characteristic of modernity.It reveals the individual's obsession with the "future" and the pursuit of "fast"under the modernity,as well as the "alienation" of the individual in the carnival.The research on the consumer society in the academic community has emerged in an endless stream,mainly from the theoretical sources of consumption,the significance of goods,and the specific consumption phenomena and scenarios.However,the consumer festivals are a relatively new phenomenon that has recently emerged in recent years.Therefore,there is still less research on consumer festivals in the academic community.This article mainly studies consuming festivals from the dimension of time.Time has been the focus of philosophers since ancient times.Traditional festivals are based on ancient times that value the seasonal and past dimensions,presenting a "slow" state.Modernity is fast,short-lived,and constantly changing.And it is a "future" oriented linear vector time.The festival is a special time node.It has a unique charm that frees people from everyday time.Traditional festivals are mainly for the purpose of worshiping ancestors and praying for the future.Consuming festivals are guided by consumption.Under the background of modernity,there exists a variety of new online and offline consumer festivals created by merchants for profit-making.Meanwhile,the traditional festivals are being "alienated".The festival's consumerism is worth reflecting on.The study of consumer festivals from the dimension of time mainly analyzes consumer festivals from the past,present,and future dimensions,and exposes the unstable time structure of consumer festivals.This article is divided into five parts.The first part is introduction,including the background and the purpose of research which analyzes the research status of consumer society and consumer festivals.In the second part,it compares the traditional festivals with consumer festivals,and analyzes the reasons for consuming festivals from the time dimension to clarify that consumer festivals have past,present,future dimensions.The third part introduces the historical background and time dimension of consumer festivals,the time dimension of the modernity background and modernity background of consumer festivals.And it proves that modernity background is an existence which is the past of consumer festival.The fourth part introduces the current carnival of consumer festivals,analyzes the carnival status of individuals in the carnival theory and consumer festivals,and clearly states that carnival status is the current of consumer festivals.The fifth part introduces the future of consumer festivals.Dimensions,individuals analyzing consumer festivals are mainly influenced by advertisement metaphor and capital logic.They have unrealistic fantasies about the future.The sixth part is about the time dimension of consumer festivals and their existing problems.It analyzes the time-consuming status of individuals in the past,present,and future of consumer festivals,and the huge waste of goods caused by consumer festivals,the proliferation of the United States,and nihilism.Based on the above analysis and study,the author believes that we should think about how to solve the problem of consumer festivals from the perspective of aesthetics,and poetically inhabit it on the earth in a manner that aesthetically survives.
Keywords/Search Tags:Time, Consumer Festival, Modernity, Carnival
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