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Du Mu's "Jin Xie Lin Lang" Collation And Research

Posted on:2019-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330545974004Subject:Chinese classical literature
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Du Mu(1459-1525),Wu xian(now at Suzhou of Jiangsu province)people.In the deep study of epigraphy,engrossed in order for thirty years,so as to search extension steles,compiles,eventually became "Jin xie lin lang" volume twenty gem.The book is part of the "imitation" release,takes stone text search,edit,we recorded text,attached to research,or supplements the previous methods to correct errors or omissions,records,sees many historical records,focuses on fieldwork.And when the rich and completing style,researching on epigraphy now have a reference value.Wang Shizhen of the Qing Dynasty once said:"the book is praised Zeng,Lv and Zhao." But the book is rarely paid attention to,has not been sorted out,and less specialized research.Therefore,this paper aimed to conduct a comprehensive study on the Jin xie lin lang,content,style and academic achievement and shortcomings,so as to see the Ming Dynasty once epigraphy achievements in literature,to provide reference for scholars to make their own modest.In the introduction part,the research status,significance and research content of this subject are explained.This paper is divided into two parts,the research on Jin xie lin lang is divided into four chapters.The second part mainly on the Jin xie lin lang Book punctuation,notes and other finishing work,the book is filled with the world bank notes of the less.The first part is mainly from the following four chapters:The first chapter is Du Mu's life experiences,and his writings.It is divided into two sections.The first section examines the life experiences and writings of Du Mu.Born in his literary family,the origin,the official worship Shao qing has no intention of career,with rich academic writings.In the Ming Dynasty,epigraphy declined to the occasion,his writing into twenty volumes,it is not easy.The second section examines the intercourse between Du Mu and the scholars at that time.Their contacts are most of the sages of Wu and the group,such as Shen Zhou,Wu Kuan,Wen Zhiming,Tang Yin,and others like Wang Shouren and He Jingming.The second chapter discusses the source and compilation of the book,is divided into two sections.In the first section,the version is discussed.There are now seven known versions,at the end of the chapter shows the relationship between a version with a graph.In section second,present the compilation of books.This section of the ancient epigraphy works compilation style are summed up and divided into cunmu,Bawei,recording paper,map generation,points,meaning,code words,nine kinds of basic style theory,each take some examples of representative works,elaborated.Proven Jin xie lin lang is compiling cunmu,Bawei,recording paper has a clear and orderly arrangement of three,detailed investigation materials,the main point.Visible arrangement of Jin xie lin lang content and completeness of its style have great originality.The third chapter analyzes the basic contents of Jin xie lin lang,is divided into two sections.In the first section,the category of the gold and stone literature is outlined.The second section,mainly in the form of a table and in accordance with the order of dynasty division,detailing "Jin Xie" received gem stone materials,under the table attached to the content arrangement,in order to clarify and analyze the book from different angles,strive to show the basic content of Jin xie lin lang.The fourth chapter discusses the value and insufficiency of this book,is divided into two sections.The first section describes the value of Jin xie lin lang.This part is mainly elaborated from two aspects.First,the historical value,reflected in the monument to the history of the monument and fill history.Second,the value reflected in the primary school,and explain the meaning of the font.The second section describes,lack of Jin xie lin lang.From the individual data record without examination;individual data records and omissions,errors;textual research with individual data error etc.The conclusion mainly reviewed the influence and value of this book.
Keywords/Search Tags:Du Mu, jin xie lin lang, Epigraphy
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