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Research On Lin Zhengda's Idioms

Posted on:2019-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X N YaoFull Text:PDF
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There is a special style in Song poems.The original meaning of the word "enclosed" is a tool for correcting bentwood.Later,"enveloping" develops into a creative tactic,and gradually becomes a special type of body-chanting.In the Song Dynasty,many lyrics had the advent of lyrics.Especially in the late Southern Song Dynasty,the lyrics contained great development and ushered in the peak of development.Among them,Zhengda Lin,a Southern Song poet,wrote a series of 41 poems.However,academic circles have paid less attention to Zhengda Lin and his proverbs for a long time.Therefore,based on the special style of the adjectives,this paper examines the creative practice of Zhengda's poems and deeply studies the stylistic style of the poems.This article is divided into two parts.The first part is an introduction,which mainly combs the research status of Zhengda Lin and his proverbs,and then explains the research significance and research methods of this article.The second part is the theory,where four chapters.The first chapter defines the definition of inclusion so as to identify the creation of the proverb,to be the name of the "prescription" and to outline the development of the development of the proverb.The second chapter focuses on Zhengda's and his imprisoned poetry creation,compares and analyzes the poems and the original article,and discusses the creative pursuit of Zhengda's poems.The third chapter mainly summarizes the artistic features of Zhengda's poems,and specifically explains the structure layout,theme design and language style.The fourth chapter discusses the motives and values of the use of poetry in poetry:It explains the social and cultural factors from the literary trend of thought and aesthetic orientation.It sums up the full text and further emphasizes the inclusion of poetry as a form and means in the development of Song Ci.With unique style and value.It is necessary to hold a fair evaluation standard for proverbs,and the influence of proverbs on future generations cannot be ignored.In this paper,statistics and analysis are made on the creative practice of Zhengda's poems,and at the same time,a large number of vocabularies are used to study chanting,which can more objectively and persuasively address the specific practices and formation motives of chanting poems.The adjective research provides some reference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhengda Lin, chanting poems, creative pursuit, artistic characteristics, formation motivation, value
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