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Scene Consciousness

Posted on:2020-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2432330575972812Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The field and the curtain are the terms in the drama,and they are the expressions of the form of the text on the stage of the drama.Among them,the literary script,the actor performance,the drama situation and the performance relationship,the field scene consciousness is a comprehensive concept.Under the influence of post-modern cultural thoughts,there have been brutal dramas,absurd dramas,impoverished dramas,environmentalist dramas and existential dramas.A lot of experiments have been carried out on the texts,performances and situations in the drama.Themed hotel spaces are spaces for cultural and cultural performances,including textual logic,background design and audience experience.However,functional-themed hotel space design generally leads designers to over-emphasize functionality while sacrificing artistic space.In the era of experiencing the economy and the Internet,consumers also have high expectations for spatial poetry and cultural experience.Therefore,by extending the concept of drama,rethinking the theme hotel space design often brings new space to create ideas.As the starting point of the hotel's environmental art,the scene awareness of this article re-examines the environmental art creation of the theme hotel through the drama factor.Through the theoretical research and analysis of the specific cases of the dramatic situation and the classic space design,combined with the perspective of the graduation design practice,the influence of the drama on the theme creation of the hotel environment design is found and further practiced.It is hoped that this achievement will provide basic research results for the theme hotel space creation and provide a perspective for design ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drama structure, Curtain awareness, Dramatic situation, Art creation, Theme hotel building
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