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Research On The Spread Of Tea Culture From The Perspective Of Encoding And Decoding Theory

Posted on:2019-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Oriental magic leaves tea,has a long history of thousands of years in Chinese,tea occupies an important position in the production and life of people,tea culture has become an important branch of Chinese traditional culture,tea ceremony also show in the booming of the economy today,with its rich charm forms of dissemination of tea culture and meaning of Chinese culture.Xinyang area is one of the areas Chinese ten tea,Xinyang Maojian famous Central Plains,tea culture has become an important part of local life and culture,this paper takes Xinyang tea ceremony as the research object,the stage for the transmission from the communication in the encoding and decoding angle analysis.First of all,this article from the macroscopic angle,respectively,status quo of Chinese tea culture and the status of tea spread performance are summarized,and try to define the connotation of tea culture,summed up the development of tea culture in China,and points out that the main communication of tea culture in China since ancient times,and the tea culture spread highly significance and sure.On this basis,we make a paving for the presentation of the following research.Secondly,this paper considers the communication process of tea culture is full of symbolic meaning,from the microcosmic point of view respectively from the tea culture,tea ceremony,tea,tea,tea and other aspects of interpretation of the symbols,and the symbolic interaction in the process of interpretation of tea culture:tea ceremony,tea,tea,tea contains respectively.Chinese in the traditional culture of "foot" and "and"and "beauty","elegant".On this basis,this paper mainly research on the culture of father Stuart Holzer encoding decoding theory to analyze the Xinyang tea ceremony spread,with space vector codes,various codes and the pursuit of elegant process codes in three aspects of the code analysis of the tea ceremony in chasing traditional themes from the transmission.Encoding angle,combined with the existing decoding tea ceremony and tea ceremony in Xinyang at present in our country the reaction,obtained by the existence of the three decoding position in decoding:dominant hegemony decoding:exhaustively understanding;Negotiation:general recognition;decoding against decoding:negative rejection,tries to make further research from these three aspects.Again,the author of the tea ceremony in the process of transmission,transmission by the deviation of encoding and decoding of the existing in the inquiry,concluded that in the tea ceremony in the spreading of the communicator'a encoding errors exist,mode of transmission errors and the two encoding effect is just passable,in view of the three aspects of reasons the deviation,which have passed by the two sides did not reach the meaning of common space,communication interaction is-low,the diversification of communication,audience feedback etc..Based on the above analysis,the author proposes how to reduce the deviation to solve this problem,and puts forward the suggestion of personal innovation path:the transmission code should highlight the local characteristics,enhance the interaction process,expand the communication channels,and comb the decoder's feedback.Encoding and decoding theory to explore the spread of tea ceremony,which not only enriches the Holzer culture for the study of encoding and decoding,but also for tea at this stage in Xinyang area show transmission research,as well as the national tea ceremony spread has played a reference role,and the China tea culture also played a certain role,in order to enhance China's cultural soft power.
Keywords/Search Tags:encoding and decoding theory, tea culture transmission, tea show performance
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