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A Study On The Path Of China's Foreign Direct Investment Promoting Industrial Upgrading Under The “one Belt And One Road” Initiative

Posted on:2019-11-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330572955219Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the past,China relied on the comparative advantages of reality to integrate into the new international division of labor system.However,the current global value chain pattern is basically dominated by international multinational corporations,and the traditional comparative advantages relied on by China are gradually weakening.This has made China no longer have a competitive advantage by undertaking the low-end links of multinational companies' value chains to integrate into the global division of labor.At the same time,it is facing a serious problem of “low-end lock-in of the value chain”.As China's foreign direct investment has entered a period of rapid growth in recent years,it is timely to use the opportunities for the rapid development of foreign direct investment to boost the optimization and upgrading of domestic industrial structure.At the same time,the "One Belt and One Road" proposal will help China to lead the construction of the regional industrial chain and effectively realize the transfer and upgrading of China's industries.Based on the above-mentioned current situation,This article combines Marx's competition theory with Porter's competitive advantage theory,pointing out that the competition pattern under globalization has developed into competition in the industrial value chain,and based on its core ideas,it proposes an industrial upgrade matrix to analyzes the comparative advantages and value chain status of China's major industries and summarize it.Secondly,we sort out different ways of outward investment in industrial upgrading to determine whether the above methods have a significant role in promoting the industries covered by the industrial upgrading matrix.Through correlation tests,we verified the correlation between the scale of foreign investment in various industries and their value chain status,and concluded that the three types of foreign investment driving methods,namely,resource acquisition type,efficiency seeking type,and strategic asset seeking type,can effectively promote China's industrial upgrading.Then,based on the comparative advantage index,the industries with the most competitive advantages of the "One Belt and One Road" are selected in the extractive industry,low-and medium-tech and high-tech manufacturing industries that are summarized in the industrial upgrade matrix.Through the calculation of relevant trade evaluation indicators,it is concluded that countries with comparative advantages in the industry are closely associated with China's industrial trade,reflecting the different impacts on China's industrial upgrading and development,so as to determinethe use of the textile and clothing industry,the electronic communication industry and the energy industry as Chinese target investment industry.Finally,we combine the three types of external investment methods with the above three industries,develop Marx's competition theory as the theoretical basis for industry upgrading,and guide this paper to propose an industry upgrade path from the perspective of the value chain.The specific performance is to decompose the value chain link of the global industry,use the corresponding evaluation indicators to measure the status of the various value chain links in the Chinese industry,based on the advantages and disadvantages of different links,and put forward the upgrade path of foreign investment in different industries.Specifically draw the following analysis results.Through efficiency-seeking foreign investment methods,the textile industry has shifted away from the traditional comparative advantages,and optimized the industry's resources in a wider range.At the same time,it seeks mergers and acquisitions of industrial brands and strategic assets through outbound investments;The electronic communication industry must seize the trend of technological change in the industry to prioritize,Focusing on the advantages and deep R&D of the advantages of the industry that has taken the lead in deployment and is in a leading position in technology,and then achieved the first breakthrough in key technology product nodes to achieve "turning overtaking".The energy industry needs resource-seeking external investment methods,it need to strengthen the layout of energy industry chains in relevant countries,drive upstream industries to increase investment in oil and gas development,and guide downstream river basins to use China's leading Oil and gas refining,storage and transportation technology to improve energy efficiency and economic benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Foreign Direct Investment, Industrial Upgrading, "One Belt and One Road", Global Value Chain
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