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A Study Of Xi Jinping's Thought On Targeted Poverty Alleviation

Posted on:2019-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330566480258Subject:Marxism in China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Eliminating poverty and improving people's livelihood have long been pursued by the Chinese communists.China is faced with different poverty situations in different historical periods.Though it has achieved great results in poverty alleviation tens of millions of people have lived below the poverty line so far,since the China implemented organized,planned,and large-scale poverty alleviation and development in 1986.Xi Jinping witnessed poverty situation in rural areas through long-term participation in poverty alleviation practices which drove him to constantly think about how to lift the poor in China out of poverty and lead a happy and prosperous life.It is with long-term commitment to China's poverty alleviation practice and the fact that China has changed poverty that Xi Jinping brought up the targeted poverty alleviation idea.Xi Jinping's idea of targeted poverty alleviation is a general term for a series of new ideas,new concepts,and new strategies.Through Xi Jinping's long-term commitment to the practice of poverty alleviation and development in China,based on the China's former poverty alleviation drawbacks,by the methods of targeted identification,targeted support,targeted management,targeted assessment,and targeted withdrawal,complemented by spiritual poverty alleviation and social joint effort,the idea has been learned from the previous poverty alleviation experience in light of the development of the world poverty situation and the poverty situation in rural China.The idea convinces that the leadership of the Communist Party is the basic guarantee and targets to improve the poverty-stricken population's ability to develop itself and reduce poverty so as to achieve common prosperity as it fundamental goal.Xi Jinping's thought of targeted poverty alleviation is an rich ideological system.In order to better understand it,This paper explains its conditions where the thoughtproduces,development course,main contents,basic characteristics and importantvalues.Xi Jinping's idea of targeted poverty alleviation was born in different conditions such as ideological conditions,subjective and objective conditions.The ideological conditions include the thoughts of classical Marxist writer about anti-poverty,the thoughts of the leading group of the party's four generations about getting rid of poverty,and the ancient China's people-oriented ideology.The subjective conditions cover some noble quality such as hard-working spirits,civil servants 'feelings such as serving the people heart and soul,and profound Marxism theoretical foundation,like focusing on the excellent quality of investigations and research,while objective conditions encompass Xi Jinping's seven years of the educated youth in Liangjiahe,his rich experience of working in the county,province,municipal,and central governmental level,the red genes of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries,his summary of existing experience in poverty alleviation in China and the status quo of poverty alleviation in China's poverty-stricken area.Xi Jinping's idea of targeted poverty alleviation has a specific development course.According to the development path of his thoughts the idea can be divided into three phases:The first stage dates back to the embryonic period from 1982 t when he worked in Zhengding to the 18 th NPC(National People's Congress)when he worked as General Secretary.The second stage is from the 18 th NPC to the 2015 when Central Poverty Alleviation and Development Work Conference was held which composes the basic formation phase and the third stage is from the convening of the Central Government Poverty Alleviation and Development Work Conference in 2015 to 19 th CPC National Congress which turns into mature and perfec stage;the fourth stage is till now which gets abundant development from the 19 th National Congress.Xi Jinping's idea of targeted poverty alleviation is of rich fundamental content which can be summarized as the obeying principles,designing goals,realizing path,and safeguarding mechanism.The idea follows the principles such as adhering to a people-centered approach,common prosperity,combination of internal and external factors,and overall consideration;the goal includes short-term one with“two reassurances,three guarantees”;mid-term goal building a well-off society in an all-round way;long-term goal concerns realizing the Chinese dream and of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and realizing free and all-around development of human beings makes up the ultimate goal.Xi's idea can be turned into reality if we follow the path which involves the implementation of “six targeted measures”that suits the remedy to the case,of “five for one batch” which are targeted therapies forming a great social poverty-relief pattern,of integration of material and spiritual poverty relief,and international poverty reduction exchanges and cooperation.Xi Jinping's protective mechanism for targeted poverty alleviation are the leadership of the Communist Party of China as a political guarantee for poverty alleviation in poverty-stricken areas,the establishment of a sound management system where central government coordinates,provinces shoulder general responsibilities,and both city and county take practice.Besides upholding and improving working mechanism where regions are focused on,villages are bettered,and every needy household will lifted out of poverty;and also upholding and improving responsibility system for the Party to take charge of poverty alleviation and development.Xi Jinping's idea of targeted poverty alleviation has unique characteristics and important values.The thought is of theoretical and practical value which people-centered,accurate,scientific,endogenous,and open.The theoretical values enrich and develop the classical Marxist writers' anti-poverty ideas,and the Communist Party of China leaders' idea of eradicating poverty,as well as socialist nature theory.The practical values set theoretical guidance for China to get rid of poverty,ensure building a well-off society in an all-round way as scheduled,and contribute Chinese wisdom to the world's poverty alleviation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi Jinping, targeted poverty alleviation, conditions, contents, value
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