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Public Policy Research On Promoting The Development Of High Tech Industry In Hebei

Posted on:2019-08-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330548953659Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of economy,vigorously develop high-tech industries,optimize and upgrade traditional industries,has become the focus of work around.At present,the development level of high-tech industry has become an important embodiment of the comprehensive strength of a country and region.Innovation capacity significantly improved,the total R&D expenditures community increased significantly,industry towards high-end level,to strengthen policy support,optimize the allocation of innovation resources,improve the industrial supporting system is the "economic and social development during the period of 13th Five-Year," one of the main goals.In recent years,the high and new technology industry in Hebei has been developing continuously,and remarkable achievements have been achieved,but there is still a gap between the developed countries and the advanced provinces in china.Hebei Province present a series of policies to a certain extent,to promote the development of high-tech industry in Hebei province has played a positive role in promoting,but in effect at the same time,some policy and current situation of the development of high-tech industry does not adapt.Therefore,based on Defects Analysis of the development of high-tech industry in Hebei province the current policy and policy,put forward more specific measures and practical significance for Hebei province scientifically and effectively promote the development of high-tech industry is very important.In this paper,the development of high-tech industry in Hebei province policy as the research object,using literature research method,comparative method,causal analysis,foreign reference method and combining quantitative research and qualitative research,through the theoretical analysis,based on the practical situation in the development of high-tech industries in Hebei province and the existing policies,explore in-depth analysis in the process of development there is still a lack of fiscal policy,tax policy system to develop reasonable investment and financing system is not perfect,personnel training policy is not mature policy defects,from three-experience in the development of policy of the United States Silicon Valley,British and German foreign high-tech industry development is leading,but also learn the experience of the development of domestic the development of high-tech industries is relatively fast in Shenzhen,Shanghai,Hebei Province,according to the actual situation,put forward a series of List of specific measures,namely the implementation of preferential financial support policies,improve the process of preferential tax policies,accelerate the development of specialized technology,broaden the bank risk investment scope,promote the development of regional equity markets,improve the professional technology property right transaction market,improve the promotion of technological innovation platform construction,talent training strategy,the implementation of science and technology improve the management mechanism of regional science and technology talents etc..It provides reference for the formulation and implementation of the development policy of high-tech industry in Hebei Province,and also provides reference for the formulation and implementation of policies in other provinces and regions.
Keywords/Search Tags:High and new technology, Technology industry, Fiscal policy, Monetary policy
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