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Study On Stage–Gate Based Softeare Defects Prevention&Quality Control System

Posted on:2018-10-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L MiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330596488884Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the information era,software products and application influence all the field,from the Internet,artificial intelligence,networking,cloud computing,chip to people's daily life(such as travel,shopping),software deeply changing people's way of life.Quality is the key factor in sofware product life cycle.Software products research and development face the following challenges: First,With the complexity of software system increasing,product boundary in expanding,interface between products and peripherals increaseed dramatically.Second,Customers expect more personalized features in the product,expect more user friendly design.Third,Software product development process is become more complex,the process of product development needs the seamless collaboration of market,research and development,testing,user experience design,hardware,suppliers and other departments.Based on above description,the traditional software quality management mode becomes inadequate.This thesis mainly focus on three aspects:First,build systematic system of defects prevention based on "Stage-Gate" model,the system refer to ISO,CMMI,SPICE,lean,FMEA and total quality management methodology.Design checklist for each phase based on quality attribute.In the concept stage,introduces the Pugh matrix for the product concept selection.In the requirement analysis stage,introduces VOC and Kano model for requirement analysis and prioritization.In the design stage,optimize the product design process.In the development stage,introduce static dode analysis tools on code quality improvement.In testing phase,re-design the activity of testing process.Second,Collect and analyze historical project defects,group defects by ODC classification method,analyze defects based on Pareto principle,improvement focus on the majority types of defects,depoy FMEA for improvement.Third,Establish process for defects related knowledge sharing and knowledge accumulation.
Keywords/Search Tags:stage-gate model, software defects prevention, FMEA, knowledge management
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