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Himalayan FM Preschool Children's Story Column Content Operation Strategy Research

Posted on:2020-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of the mobile Internet and the full opening of the second child,the children's companion content has become the high traffic ground for the FM platform.The Himalayan FM is the fastest growing and largest audio sharing platform in China.The online children's album has exceeded 400,000.In the file,the paid albums exceed 500 files.In all categories,the children's programs ranked second,accounting for about 10%,second only to the audio books.According to the big data analysis of the children's user group in 2018,the number of story columns in the children's channel ranked first.This paper mainly takes the "Himalayan FM Preschool Children's Story Column" as the research object,and uses content analysis method,literature research method and case study method as the main research methods to explore its position and production,content presentation and management and content.The communication and interaction practices are analyzed and summarized in depth,and it is expected to bring reference to other similar platforms in content operation.Through research,the Himalayan FM preschool children's story column is first defined at the content production level,targeting 3-6 year old preschool children,with the support of industry big data,combined with the development of 3-6 preschool children.Features and requirements,relying on the PUGC+ exclusive copyright production model,to provide users with diverse,professional,high-quality content,to create a story system suitable for preschool children.Secondly,in the presentation mode,a combination of methods is adopted,and the presentation is reasonably organized according to the user self-portrait setting and the listening scene.In addition,the integration of the boutique topics is presented to enhance the user experience and better meet the needs of users.Setting relevant rules on content management and maintenance improves user stickiness while ensuring orderly organization of content.In addition,in the channels of communication,the Himalayan FM Preschool Children's Story column builds a three-dimensional communication channel and interacts in multiple directions.Using social media to form a communication matrix and expand communication channels;based on preschool children,the content dissemination method of developing audio + intelligent hardware is more in line with the needs of preschool children;using public welfare activities to promote good public voices is conducive to brand communication;Increased user activity and increased user stickiness through online payment of benefits and offline parent-child activitiesFinally,from the Himalayan FM preschool children's story column to gain inspiration and future development direction,based on the current intelligent hardware,the future will design a unique "Doraemon" artificial intelligence partner to provide intelligent companionship;Great development of exclusive copyright audio resources,the creation of differentiated exclusive copyright professional audio storytelling;creating a unique parent-child interactive community,thus transforming the "weak connection" between products and users into a stable "strong connection",enhance user stickiness.
Keywords/Search Tags:HimalayanFM, preschool children story, column content, operation strategy
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