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The Design And Implementation Of Social Comprehensive Management Information System

Posted on:2019-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330590494338Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of modern society,the disadvantages of the traditional social management pattern are gradually appeared.In modern society,the government requires get a great improvement about integrate multi sectorial resources and support management,service together.In addition,since the new period of social management is far behind the speed of economic development,there so many social management weak links,and the adjustment of interest pattern.Thus,social disputes are increased,and sporadic incidents are increased,too.Therefore,we got a higher requirement for the social management.In recent years,despite the positive exploration and innovation in social governance,even we improve the level of social governance constantly,but it remains to be further improved on the whole.The main problems force on the data collection is not completed,so it is not conducive to deepening management.We find and solve problems as a single subject.It is not conducive to discover the problems,and supervise the problems.The duties are overlapped,so it is conducive to adjust the management and establish the quantitative assessment criteria.This paper analyzes the disadvantages of the traditional social management model,and combines the concepts of digital city,intelligent city and electronic government,and designs a social comprehensive management information system by combing the business of the government's comprehensive governance office.The main research of this paper is to use the Spring+Struts2+ibatis framework to implement a complex and highly robust B/S architecture project.By reducing the coupling degree among each module,it can increase its reusability and scalability.In order to build a project for the government,it involves multi system data docking.In addition,the daily frequent use of the system and a large number of users also require high concurrency and security.This paper mainly uses the Memcached+Ehcache two level cache to alleviate the high concurrent I/O performance problem,and uses the cluster strategy of ActiveMQ message middleware.To improve communication efficiency between modules and reduce coupling.The main function modules of the system include basic information collection and management module,grid event processing module,statistical report module and instant messaging subsystem.The information collection management module includes the functions of collecting,maintaining and managing the 8 basic data,and realizes the dynamic association of the population,housing,events,urban components and enterprise information;the grid event processing module quickly solves the problem of the real customs of the residents through the events' reporting and circulation;the statistical reports are based on the regular J OB collect data statistical records,display various information in different forms of custom in different forms,provide analysis basis for leaders' decision-making;instant messaging subsystem uses websocket,webrtc and other front-end technical frameworks,and implements a low load front end communication with the back end Netty framework.At present,the whole system has been formally put into use.
Keywords/Search Tags:social comprehensive management, e-government, SSI, high concurrency
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