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Design And Development Of Mobile Online Insurance System Based On Maven

Posted on:2019-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the information age,great changes have taken place in the channels of insurance sales.In order to adapt to the needs of the actual business of the insurance company,it is very important to develop a functional and sound online insurance system that help salesman carry out activities and serve the customers more quickly and conveniently.Salesman can conduct online insurance and a series of insurance operations through mobile terminal system,which greatly reduces sales time,improves customer experience,improves work efficiency and reduces industry cost.In the paper,the main research object is the salesman of company.Salesman can make proposals for each customer,online insurance and buy insurance products.What is more,Salesman can check and manage different orders that have been done,and see the relationship between customers through the system,so as to expand 360-range customer relations.Through this system,customers can read and understand the company's product information in a comprehensive way,and select suitable products for interest demonstration,and insurance finally.To meet the insurance requirements and to meet the monitoring requirements of the CIRC,In this paper,I design an online insurance system based on Spring framework.After studying the theory deeply,I developed a practical application project that can manage system,insurance online,query information and manage orders.At the same time,considering the system's database security problem,the system set up various categories of user permissions.In addition,the system is a mobile terminal system,and has better portability than the PC.It is more suitable for the daily needs of the salesman.At the same time,the system has a good operation interface,which is convenient for users to manage data and maintain data.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online insurance, Salesman, Mobile terminal, Spring
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