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The Design And Implementation Of Dormitory Management System Based On S2SH

Posted on:2018-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B C WuFull Text:PDF
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College dormitory is an important place for college students' daily life.It integrates many functions such as learning,life and communication.It is a very important part of college student management.Dormitory in Colleges and universities has such characteristics as high residential density,large population and complex management.Especially in recent years,with the expansion of colleges and universities,the number of students and student dormitories has increased rapidly,and its management difficulty has become increasingly prominent.Therefore,how to manage the dormitories scientifically,rationally and efficiently by means of information technology has become the most urgent demand in the management of College Students under the new situation.Through the use of advanced university dormitory information management system,it is feasible to realize the humanized management of college dormitories.This system is based on the dormitory management in a university.By analyzing the actual situation of dormitory management in the University,we design and develop a dormitory management system based on S2SH framework.Firstly,the research background and significance are discussed;focus on the system needs a detailed analysis and case analysis,the main functional modules of the system include basic information management,information management,student apartment occupancy management system and management system,to determine the issue of "what to do";secondly and it describes how the system uses J2EE technology to realize the main function of development,given the specific design and implementation,and testing the key business function module,the system further answers the problem of "how to do";finally,the summary and outlook of the work.Through the test run of the system,the system meets the design requirements in the initial stage of the system and meets the actual needs of the university student dormitory management.In a word,the system running smoothly greatly enhance the college dormitory management level,enabling the accommodation dynamic and timely understanding of each student,the university student management informatization,humanized and intelligent provides important reference...
Keywords/Search Tags:Dormitory Management, Management Information System, B/S, S2SH
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