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Design And Implementation Of Top-quality Course System Based On Web

Posted on:2018-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330542968278Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of information technology and progress,online education has made remarkable achievements application,many universities have begun to introduce information system,educational management system,online learning system,library management system,scientific management system,the system improves the universities information sharing,integrated services,improve the quality of teaching and school Web site.The excellent course is an important content of the teaching and research management in a university,and it is also necessary to build a demonstration course in order to improve the teaching quality and cultivate the high quality talents in the new century.In this paper,we use advanced ASP technology,database technology,Visual Studio integrated development environment,IIS5.0 and other technologies to develop a powerful platform for quality courses.Specific work is desccribed in this paper:Firstly,the requirements analysis of the system.The construction of quality course management system,through the investigation and analysis of the research staff,the office of student affairs and academic affairs and student,derived the quality course management system business logic function;these functions include front and back office functions,the realization of online course management.These functions include bulletin boards,course of study,answering the classroom,online homework,teacher-student communication,modify user information,realize the powerful processing efficiency of the user logic operations.Secondly,the function design of the system.Excellent course management system design,system development process can use optical fiber communication system,B/S architecture,SOA service architecture in general,to achieve a powerful logic operation process,the realization of a powerful data processing mode,to further enhance the operation processing function of Internet information.Thirdly,the function realization of the system.System development using the ASP system architecture of advanced technology,the technology uses XML data interactive mode and the third partv.and the imnlementation of svstem resource database access component updating service system to realize data exchange and cloud storage,generally the use of advanced technology to achieve the local cache and service.After the development and deployment of the quality course management system,it improves the effectiveness of the quality course study,facilitates the communication between students and teachers,and further enhances the strong support of students'functions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Excellent Course, B/S Architecture, Database
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