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Research On Self-management Of Primary Education Managers Based On Humanism

Posted on:2021-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z P HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330620461631Subject:Education management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Education managers are the key to continuously improve school education management,continuously improve the overall teaching quality,and promote the continuous improvement of the core competitiveness of schools.The education manager is not only the main body to transfer knowledge,but also an important ability to realize the teaching reform in the new era.In order to cope with the background of the new period of social development,education is to promote the comprehensive and individual development of people and realize the true self-worth of each person.However,from the beginning to the end,in the development of education management in China's education field,there is a very critical drawback.The student's subject status in the study is too neglected.The student is not regarded as the subject of learning,but the main object of discipline.This not only affects students' initiative to participate in learning,but also suppresses their creativity.The proposal of the humanistic education theory extends the concept of autonomous management,breaks through the traditional educational concept of education management practice for the comprehensive development of neglected people,and can comprehensively promote and enhance students' autonomous awareness and comprehensive ability.Therefore,based on the perspective of humanism,this paper conducts research on the independent management of primary school education managers,which will help to enrich the current research field of reform theory and quality education in China.In this study,from the perspective of managers,this study puts forward the specific path of independent management of primary education.Whether it is for the reform of the management mechanism of primary education,or for the practical work of primary line education managers,it has guidance and reference value.The positive significance of teaching and running the school.This article first uses the literature method to review and sort out the outstanding research results of academic circles at home and abroad,and clarifies the relevant concepts of education managers,humanism and autonomous management,and uses humanism and education as the theoretical research basis of this article.After carrying out aneducational action research survey to grasp the management status of a primary school education manager,it was found that there were problems involving less demand for teachers and students,taking system management as the main method,lack of a sense of belonging to teachers,and poor self-management effectiveness.By analyzing and investigating the reasons for the existing problems of self-centered management of education managers,it is believed that the main reasons are the following three reasons: the backwardness of the management ideas of the education managers,the unreasonable management system of the education managers,and the unscientific management methods of the education managers.Based on these three reasons,this article puts forward the implementation strategy of humanistic self-management countermeasures for elementary education managers,which is mainly realized from three aspects: updating the concept,improving the system,and innovating.In terms of updating the people-oriented management concept,it should be achieved by updating the education management concept,giving play to teachers' initiative,and satisfying teachers' needs to the maximum;in terms of improving the humanistic management mechanism,we must follow and improve the modern management system,establish a democratic management system,Realize it in terms of human-centered teacher development evaluation;in terms of innovating humanistic management methods,it must be achieved in terms of key teachers' physical and mental development,constructing a humanistic autonomous management environment,and multi-subject participation in self-realization.In the process of realizing the management of elementary education administrators,it is necessary to implement the humanistic education management concept and continuously deepen and open up new paths of independent management in practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:humanism, education manager, autonomous management
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