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On The Integration Of Rule Of Law Education In Ideological And Political Class

Posted on:2021-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330620461262Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Building a socialist country ruled by law has become an important goal in the development process of our country's new era.With the continuous promotion of this goal,the consciousness of rule of law and the thinking of rule of law have become essential educational contents in the life of citizens.Although the rule of law education has already occupied a place in the school education,but it still has some problems,the most important of which is that the students' concept of the rule of law has not been internalized in the mind to the outside world,which to some extent affects the process of building our country into a socialist country with Chinese characteristics.With the deepening of social reform,all the process of reform and the achievements of reform should be integrated with the concept of rule of law and permeate the spirit of rule of law from the depth.At the fourth Plenary session of the 19 th CPC Central Committee,the decision of the CPC Central Committee on some major issues concerning the adherence to and improvement of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity was adopted.The "decision" points out that building a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics and building a socialist country ruled by law are for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.General Secretary Xi Jinping has constantly stressed that building a China ruled by law needs to focus on cultivating citizens' concept of rule of law,strengthening the strength of popularizing the law for the whole people,and improving the quality of education on the rule of law.The construction of the rule of law in China is not only a simple propaganda of popularizing the law,but also a scientific education system of the rule of law,which is deeply rooted in the hearts of all the people and externalized in daily behavior.The education of rule of law should start from childhood,start from children,and make citizens gradually form the belief of rule of law from childhood.In addition,the content of rule of law education needs to be adjusted according to the development and change of society to meet the needs of the times,in the process of strengthening the awareness of the rule of law of all citizens as the fundamental,to cultivate citizens' belief in the rule of law as the goal,constantly promote the construction of China ruled by law.From this point of view,the rule of law education for all students in our country is crucial.According to the needs of the times to promote the integration of rule of law education,this paper,based on the position of Marxism and using the scientific point of view,makes a more in-depth study on the theoretical basis,constituent elements and feasibility path of constructing the integration of rule of law education,hoping to provide theoretical resources and intellectual reinforcement for the integration construction of rule of law education in China.The thesis is divided into four chapters.The first chapter,the ideological and political classroom rule of law education integration related concepts and theoretical support.This paper introduces the related concepts of the integration of rule of law education and the important theory of supporting integration.The second chapter,the ideological and political classroom rule of law education integration issues raised.This paper discusses the necessity of the integration of rule of law education from three aspects: historical questioning,realistic needs and learning and reference,and analyzes the significance of promoting the integration of rule of law education.The third chapter,the ideological and political classroom rule of law education integration factor analysis.Through the analysis of the three elements of rule of law education goal,knowledge structure and educational method,the main contents of integration are explained.The fourth chapter,the ideological and political classroom rule of law education integration path analysis.This chapter starts from the education system,the education mechanism,the appraisal system three aspects carries on the analysis,proposes consummates the teaching system,establishes the education drive,the regulation,the safeguard mechanism,consummates the integrated appraisal system feasibility path,these paths have provided the guarantee to construct the rule of law education integration,has the important influence to construct the rule of law education integration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ideological and political class, Rule of law, Rule of law education, Integration
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