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Research On The Social Responsibility Of College Students In The New Era

Posted on:2021-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330614954273Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
General secretary Xi Jinping made the report in the nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China entitled "winning the victory and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and winning the great victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era".China's socialist construction with China's characteristics has entered a new era."If the young generation has ideals,abilities and responsibilities,the country will have a future and the nation will have hope." General secretary Xi Jinping's exposition put forward a clear goal for youth's success,that is,"ideals,skills and responsibilities." College students in the new era are the main force to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the future.Their sense and ability of social responsibility will be related to the future of the Chinese nation and the realization of their own life value.The social responsibility of college students refers to the practical process of College Students' awareness of responsibility in line with social norms in social life,and on the basis of which they internalize the emotion of responsibility,which is transformed into the behavior of responsibility under the guarantee of certain ability.The responsibility taking process is autonomous,practical and comprehensive.At present,the overall performance of College Students' social responsibility is relatively good,but there are also problems of the unity of knowledge,feeling,meaning and behavior.There are four main reasons for these problems: first,the influence of negative factors in the social environment;second,there are some problems in the teaching ideas,contents and methods of colleges and universities;third,the lack of family education;fourth,the psychological immaturity of college students and the lack of social practice.To solve these problems,we need to take measures from the following aspects: first,to create a good social environment,such as economic environment,political environment,cultural environment,etc.;second,to improve the moral education system in Colleges and universities,to play the role of the main position of education,such as changing educational ideas,expanding classroom teaching content,improving teaching methods,and playing the role of cultural education;third,to optimize the family For example,family education should "combine love and strictness",parents should play an exemplary role,parents should use various education methods,etc.;fourth,college students should strengthen the cultivation of their own social responsibility,such as clarifying their own socialcitizen role,improving their own responsibility cultivation,and improving their ability to take responsibility in practice.In a word,the cultivation of College Students' social responsibility is a systematic project that needs the cooperation of society,universities and families.Only when all parties work together to create a good external environment for college students can we achieve the educational function and guide college students to meet the social requirements for them.At the same time,college students should also correctly position their own role,actively practice the socialist core values,transform the cognition of social responsibility into the ability and behavior,and strive to play more social responsibilities in the process of realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Keywords/Search Tags:new era, college students, social responsibility
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