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Research On The Application Of Discontinuous Text In History Teaching In Junior Middle School

Posted on:2021-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R N WangFull Text:PDF
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Since the concept of discontinuous text was first proposed by PISA in 2009,discontinuous text has attracted widespread attention in China.Since the new curri culum reform,educators have conducted extensive discussions and reflections on discontinuous texts,and concentrated on the subject of Chinese.However,it is not difficult to find through teaching practice that discontinuous texts are also very i mportant in the teaching of history subjects.At present,there is a lack of systemat ic research on the discontinuous texts in history teaching.Most researchers have r ead and published the photos and tables alone,and they have insufficient research on the problems and strategies of discontinuous texts.Based on this,this article in tends to proceed from the connotation and value of discontinuous texts in history t eaching,and gradually analyze the problems of discontinuous texts in history teac hing,and further explore its connotations and teaching strategies,and then procee d from teaching theory and classroom practice.The aspect explores the connotatio n and strategy of discontinuous texts in classroom teaching around classroom teac hing problems.This article first defines the concepts and meanings of texts and discontinuou s texts,finds the importance and manifestation of discontinuous texts in our histor y and practice,and then discusses the role of discontinuous texts in our history tea ching and practice and Its teaching value,ability training value,practical activity value and other factors are explained.Next,from the perspective of teachers,textbooks,and evaluation systems,th e problems of discontinuous texts in historical instruction are analyzed.Teachers h ave a weak awareness of discontinuous texts and lack a teaching attitude.The lack of historical textbooks can be used for teaching.Non-continuous text resources;h istory teaching evaluation system is incomplete,teachers become the only history teaching object and evaluation subject,the content and method of evaluation is a p rocess imbalance,history teachers only focus on the learning results of teachers an d students when evaluating However,history teachers ignore the learning process,just look at the results of middle school students,think that scores represent every thing,and ignore the cultivation of students' ability and consciousness.Based on the above analysis,the application and strategy of discontinuous te xts in history guidance are proposed.First,from the teacher 's perspective,changethe concept of history teaching,improve students' comprehensive reading and rev iewing ability of discontinuous texts,and improve their teaching methods.Second,develop and use history textbooks and discontinuous texts in life.Attach importa nce to the construction of history and culture suitable for the school's learning env ironment and learning atmosphere,develop and use school-based teaching materia ls,and excel at exploring important teaching resources for the expansion of discon tinuous texts from history and life;and then provide reading guidance provided by teachers to students,Continuous text learning methods,establish learning goals,e stablish problem-solving consciousness,and combine learning with other textboo ks related to history;finally,improve the evaluation system,make reasonable use of the diagnostic evaluation function of the examination,and diversify the evaluati on subject.This article concludes with a case study.Design the teaching process of the O pium War,analyze the case and reflect on it.
Keywords/Search Tags:discontinuous text, history guidance, teaching strategies
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