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A Study On The Integration Of Chemistry And Career Education In Senior High School Under The New Curriculum Reform

Posted on:2021-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330611963750Subject:Subject teaching
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Career education has gradually become familiar to the public since the state clearly stated in 2014 that "students' career planning and guidance should be strengthened".Meanwhile,under the guidance of the new college entrance examination reform,high school students will no longer pay for science,but choose the subjects suitable for them according to their future development plans.Although henan province has not yet implemented the reform,the college entrance examination reform can be said to be imperative,so how to let high school students better understand themselves and plan their own life is very important.In this context,this paper combines the development of career education in our school to study the subject of infiltration of career education in chemistry classroom,in the hope of providing effective Suggestions for the future development of integrated courses of chemistry and career education.In this paper,literature research method,comparative research method,questionnaire method and case analysis method are used to carry out the research.The paper is divided into six chapters.First of all,through the study of relevant concepts,through the use of literature,professional books and other understanding of the chemical discipline theory,career education theory and psychological theory involved.In the process of theoretical research,the relationship between chemistry and career education can be found,which lays a theoretical foundation for the integration of the two.Then,the implementation of the integrated chemistry and career education curriculumat home and abroad was compared from three aspects: teaching objectives,curriculum setting and chemistry teaching materials.It is found that domestic career education is still groping and developing,and there are few corresponding courses.Although the teaching goal also involves career education,it only refers to the requirements for students' values,but there is no clear requirement for students' career development,which accounts for a small proportion.On the other hand,the relevant career education content in the textbooks is relatively scattered and obscure.By comparing the two versions of the Chinese version of education and Luke version,it can be seen that Luke version has more penetration in this aspect than the Chinese version.So-called mountain can offend jade,through the contrast research complement each other,with the help of foreign experience to help us do more detailed interpretation of course objectives,on the basis of the existing curriculum more chemistry discipline and fusion between career education,in the actual teaching can also make full use of different versions of the teaching material content,in order to achieve to the purpose of chemical disciplines and career education better fusion.In view of the current situation and effect of career education in no.2 middle school in luoyang city,a questionnaire survey was conducted in this paper.The analysis results showed that students have generally accepted and recognized the importance of career education,and recognized the positive influence of school career education.However,the high school students in our school also expressed that although the importance was clear,the current curriculum could not be satisfied their career planning needs,therefore,in view of these problems,this paper further explores how to effectively integrate career education into the chemistry curriculum.On the above comparison research and questionnaire research results,combined with my practical experience,the career education is divided into values education and career training two parts,which focus on values culture fusion course is divided into a blend of STSE education history of chemistry curriculum,through chemical fusion values education chemistry curriculum and the integration of the aesthetic values of chemical course three categories;In terms of career education,this paper takes the compulsory chemistry 2textbook published in people's education edition as an example,integrates the related occupations involved in it,and explores three curriculum models,which are picture andvideo presentation courses,role playing courses and social practice courses,respectively.Then they are brought into the chemistry class respectively,and the corresponding practical course cases are integrated,aiming to explore a set of operational and feasible schemes.Based on the above research,chemistry curriculum and career education should be better integrated.At the school level,a comprehensive analysis shows that subject integration curriculum is a better career education model at present,which needs to be further implemented.At the level of teachers,they should consciously integrate values education and career cultivation in their daily teaching work,and add relevant materials of career education when preparing lessons.They should start from daily work,subtly realize career education for high school students,and help them to make scientific and effective plans for their lives.At the same time,due to the limitations of my research time,resources and ability,there are still many unsatisfactory aspects in this project.For example,it is not comprehensive enough to sort out the contents of values education and career view education involved in the textbook.The questionnaire was not distributed to a large area in the whole school,which resulted in the failure to compare and analyze the possible differences among different grades.The scale of our school is small,and there are few chemistry teachers in the front line.Therefore,this study did not design a teacher questionnaire.The above cases may not be comprehensive and reasonable.Finally,I hope to share and explore this topic with more educators.
Keywords/Search Tags:Integration of Chemistry and Career Education, Value education, Career education
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