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Research On Optimization Of College Students' Moral Education

Posted on:2021-04-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330611950507Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The purpose of colleges and universities is to stand up for virtue,so in the teaching process,we should always implement the purpose of "stand by virtue",deal with the relationship between "stand by virtue" and "shuren",and truly achieve "both virtue and virtue,with virtue first" "For educational purposes.The Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that the younger generation should strive for relay.Only the younger generation's efforts to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will be realized.The broad masses of young people must have firm ideals and convictions,be ambitious and down-to-earth,and strive to shine in the new era.In2014,General Secretary Xi Jinping said at the Peking University Teacher-Student Symposium: "A person can only use what he can only use when he is wise and virtuous,and strict and private." "Morality" is the key to university talent.The university stage is also a critical period of "education" in life.Therefore,the effectiveness of college moral education is directly related to the future of the country and the hope of the nation.This article makes full use of the literature method,comprehensive analysis method and other methods to follow the logical path of asking,analyzing and solving problems.First,it summarizes the principles,goals and contents of college students' moral education.Secondly,it analyzes the problems and causes of moral education in colleges and universities.Finally,the path of optimizing college moral education is proposed.Based on this,this article is divided into four parts.The first part,introduction.It outlines the background,significance,methods and literature review of this study.It specifically elaborates on why the author researched,how to research,the existing research results and so on.The second part is an overview of college students' moral education.This chapterelaborates the concept of college students 'moral education,that is,the activities of colleges and universities to cultivate college students' ideological and moral qualities.The principles,goals and contents of college students' moral education are discussed.The principle is the basic requirement that colleges and universities must follow for the moral education of college students.It reflects the regularity of the moral education process of college students and is a summary and summary of the practical experience of college students 'moral education;its purpose is to comprehensively promote the progress of Xi Jinping 's socialist thinking with Chinese characteristics in the new era Textbooks enter the classroom into the minds of students,firmly establish the "four consciousnesses" and firm "four self-confidences",cultivate qualified builders and reliable successors of socialism with Chinese characteristics,comprehensive development of moral,intellectual and physical beauty,and train newcomers in the era of national renaissance;The content includes not only moral education,but also ideological education,political education,rule of law education,psychological education,etc.The third part is the analysis of the problems and causes of college students' moral education.This chapter specifically analyzes the problems of college students' moral education.First,the goal of moral education does not match the actual life of students;second,the content of moral education is not integrated with the requirements of modern development;third,the method of moral education is not compatible with the development of the times;There is still a gap between the goal of the moral education environment and the joint effort of the environment.In view of the problems in these four aspects,the issues of formalization of college moral education are serious,the concept of college moral education is relatively backward,the methods and contents of moral education do not meet the requirements of the times,the goals of moral education are not in line with the actual needs of students,and the educational environment has not yet formed a joint force.The reason.The fourth part is the optimization path of college students' moral education.Based on the analysis of the causes of college students 'moral education,this chapter elaboratedon the optimization of college students' moral education from the aspects of implementing college moral education system,innovating college moral education concepts,formulating modern moral education content,rationally using moral education methods,fully respecting the needs of students,and continuously optimizing the moral education environment.Path selection.
Keywords/Search Tags:College students, Moral education, the path of Optimization
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