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Research On The Present Situation And Countermeasures Of Ritual Education In Kindergartens

Posted on:2021-03-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F TanFull Text:PDF
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Ritual is a special cultural phenomenon in human history,and also an ancie nt way of education.Ritual education,as an important part of school education,i s not only a platform for communication and interaction between teachers and st udents,but also an important way for the dissemination of school culture,as we ll as an important educational means to promote the all-round development of st udents.With the continuous development of school education reform,ritual educati on has attracted more and more attention from educators because of its unique e ducational methods and important educational value.Ritual activities have been wi dely penetrated into the daily life of the school,especially in the kindergarten.Be cause of the particularity of children's physical and mental development,ritual ed ucation has become an important educational means to promote children's all-rou nd development.However,there are few achievements in the systematic study of kindergarten ritual education in academic circles.At the same time,there are man y problems existing in the development of ritual education in kindergartens and effective strategies are urgently needed to solve them.Therefore,the author,from the perspective of "kindergarten",makes a systematic study of part of "ritual edu cation activities" in kindergartens.In order to contribute to the development of ki ndergarten ritual education.This study is mainly divided into five parts:Part one: On the basis of literature review,summarize the existing research results,analyze the significance of the author's research and the proposed innovat ion points.The second part: after the basic explanation of the characteristics,prin ciples and values of kindergarten ritual education,Then briefly expounds the theor etical basis of kindergarten ritual education.Part three: four kindergartens in nanch ong city were selected as the research objects.Through observation,interview and other research methods,This paper presents the status quo of three different kind s of ritual activities carried out by four kindergartens,namely,Festival ceremony-"June 1" children's day,theme ceremony-flag raising ceremony,daily life cerem ony-first and last class ceremony and dinner ceremony.The fourth part: The main problems of kindergarten ritual education are analyzed and draw the following conclusions:In the early stage of the organization of the kindergarten ritual educ ation activities,there are some problems such as unclear goal,the content is dull and the form is simple,random planning and arrangement.In the process of imp lementation,there are some problems such as children's main body status is not fully manifested,children's emotional energy is not fully stimulated,and teacher-c hild interaction is not fully demonstrated.In the practical effect,there are some p roblems such as the lack of cultural implication,the imperceptible effect of educ ating people,and the insufficient support of the main body of education outside the kindergarten.Part five: combining theory with practice,The strategies to impro ve ritual education in kindergarten are put forward.The strategies mainly include:clarifying the goal of ritual education in kindergarten,enriching the content of rit ual education in kindergarten,improving the form of ritual education in kindergar ten,strengthening the concept of ritual education for educators,and perfecting th e safeguard measures related to ritual education.It is hoped to solve the existing problems in the process of carrying out kindergarten ritual education and fully di splay the important value of kindergarten ritual education.
Keywords/Search Tags:The kindergarten, Ritual education, Interactive ceremony
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