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Thematic Teaching Strategies For Primary School Arts Workshops

Posted on:2021-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W XuFull Text:PDF
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Since the publication of the research results of the "Core Literacy of Chinese Student Development" in September 2016,"core literacy" has become a hot word in the Chinese education industry in recent years,and has also become a key reform direction of basic education.Under the background of educational reform with the goal of developing core accomplishment,the basic education practitioners are also actively exploring the path of teaching reform,in which the art practice workshop is the emerging school art education model under this background.In 2016,the art workshop was first extended by the Ministry of Education to the fifth national art exhibition for primary and middle school students.Its purpose is to further strengthen the Chinese excellent traditional culture education and patriotism education in the exhibition activities.In order to encourage the development of the special aesthetic education curriculum in 2015,the General Office of the State Council's Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Aesthetic Education in Schools in an All-round Way proposed that the workshop should combine the overall promotion with the typical guidance.However,most of the art practice workshops in primary and secondary schools,which have developed like bamboo shoots,show the phenomenon of "formalization" because of the lack of grasp of the theme and the overall form,which leads to the lack of quality of the teaching reform practice and the lack of motivation for the future development of the art workshop,so it is necessary to guide the integrated teaching methods with more overall grasp.Under the background of educational reform of core literacy,researchers at all levels and first-line teachers begin to study or practice various teaching methods in teaching,such as problem-guided teaching,project teaching,subject teaching and so on.At the end of the 20 th century,the reform of "core knowledge curriculum" in the United States began to rise,and subject teaching gradually became themain teaching method in the core knowledge curriculum.With the development of educational reform,the research on subject-based teaching in China also has extensive research foundation.Subject teaching is a teaching method to realize the thematic integration of content,which makes the subject of teaching no longer stick to a single teacher or student,and the teaching form can be more diversified around the theme.Help students build knowledge frameworks to develop students' ability to analyze and solve problems.Therefore,from the perspective of the development of art workshops in primary schools,it is urgent to explore the thematic teaching research of art workshops in primary schools.This article is based on the subject-based teaching theory requirements,the primary school art workshop as the research object,through the teaching methods,teaching content,teaching resources and teaching environment of the theme art workshop of primary school,the theme-based teaching strategy of the primary school art workshop.The first chapter is mainly to put forward the problem and explain the core concept.The second chapter analyzes the research on subject teaching in China and abroad through literature review.The third chapter lists and discusses the theoretical basis and feasibility of thematic teaching in primary school art workshops.The fourth chapter is the investigation and analysis of the teaching situation and predicament of the art workshop of the first primary school in Deyang.The fifth chapter is to give the relevant implementation strategy to the art workshop theme teaching.The research on the thematic teaching strategies of art workshops in primary schools is based on the reform of teaching methods of traditional culture education and the improvement of classroom teaching quality.The primary school art workshop is a new approach in basic art education,which plays a positive role in cultivating students' humanistic accomplishment and comprehensive ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Primary school art, art workshop, theme teaching, teaching strategy
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