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Research On The Phenomenon Of "Platform Strategy" In Middle School Mathematics Teaching And Learning

Posted on:2021-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330605972034Subject:Subject teaching
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In the process of junior middle school mathematics teaching,some mathematical knowledge is "understood" by means of memory,observation,experiment,induction,analogy andother reasonable reasoning means,which serves as a "platform" to ensure the further smooth progress of mathematics learning,which is the phenomenon of "platform strategy".As this phenomenon is very common,it is necessary to investigate the existence of the phenomenon of "platform strategy" in teaching,as well as the understanding,attitude and coping strategies of teachers and students on the phenomenon of "platform strategy",so as to find out how to use this phenomenon reasonably and promote students to learn mathematics better.This study mainly adopts literature method,content analysis me thod and questionnaire survey method.Firstly,by means of sampling analysis of some "platform strategy" phenomenon in the latest zh ejiang edition of mathematics textbooks,the teaching law behind thi s phenomenon is qualitatively described.(1)analyze the distribution of "platform strategy" phenomenon in three categories(transcendent,reasonable and algorithm);(2)to sort out the distribution of "platf orm strategy" phenomenon in three stages(grade 7,grade 8 and gr ade 9),three fields(number and algebra,figure and geometry,statis tics and probability).Secondly,this study conducted two questionnai re surveys on students and teachers: teachers and students' understa nding,attitude and response to the phenomenon of "platform strateg y".Finally,based on the results of the analysis of the phenomenon of "platform strategy" in textbooks and the results of the questionn aire survey between teachers and students,this study puts forward s ome teaching Suggestions on how to reasonably use the phenomeno n of "platform strategy" in the teaching process of junior middle sc hool mathematics,and explains and explains it with corresponding e xamples.Based on the survey results and relevant literature,the followin g conclusions are drawn:The phenomenon of "platform strategy" in textbooks:(1)The phe nomenon of "platform strategy" widely exists;(2)The most common "platform strategy" phenomenon;(3)The phenomenon of "platform strategy" is most widely distributed in the field of "number and algeb ra".(4)the phenomenon of "platform strategy" presents a dynamic dis tribution in the specific teaching process;Part of the "platform strat egy" phenomenon is logically related.Survey results on the phenomenon of students' concern about "platform strategy" :(1)Students acknowledge the existence and influen ce of the phenomenon of "platform strategy";(2)Students accept the phenomenon of "platform strategy" and choose to cooperate with m emory;(3)Students of different mathematics levels have significant differences in their understanding of the phenomenon of "platform s trategy".Survey results on the phenomenon of teachers' concern about "platform strategy" :(1)Teachers generally acknowledge the existence o f the phenomenon of "platform strategy",but pay little attention to it;(2)Methods to improve the ability to identify the phenomenon of "platform strategy" :reading textbooks and teaching practice;(3)The t eacher affirms the positive role of the phenomenon of "platform strat egy",especially it plays an important role in the cultivation of rigo rous logical thinking ability;(4)The teacher's way of coping: contact with life and other relevant experience to promote understanding,not demanding strict proof for explanation.But to can make the kn owledge of rigorous reasoning,adhere to guide understanding.Based on the above findings,teaching Suggestions are put for ward:(1)Teachers should face up to the existence and influence of t he phenomenon of "platform strategy";(2)Teachers should develop th e habit of studying,relying on textbooks,timely identify the emerg ence of the phenomenon of "platform strategy" and encourage stude nts to "question";(3)Examine the phenomenon of "platform strategy" from a dynamic perspective,and change teaching methods flexibly;(4)According to the characteristics of different types of "platform str ategy",choose a reasonable way to deal with;(5)Pay close attention to students,teach students according to their aptitude,balance the mass education and elite education;(6)To dilute the utilitarian authori ty,lay out the mathematical facts;(7)Correctly view the dialectical rel ationship between receptive learning and inquiry-based learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:mathematical understanding, mathematical memory, "platform strategy" phenomenon, the textbook
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