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On The Cultivation Of Chinese Learning Ability Of Left-behind Children In Rural Primary Schools

Posted on:2021-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y HeFull Text:PDF
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The education of left-behind children in rural my country has long aroused the attention of the whole society,and paying attention to the education of left-behind children from the level of Chinese language is a very practical measure.As the basis of other disciplines,the Chinese language discipline occupies an indispensable position in students,learning.The Chinese course is devoted to cultivating students,various abilities to adapt to actual life and cultivating students,comprehensive literacy,which is a basic subject that promotes students,all-round development and lifelong development.Especially in the stage of compulsory education,the cultivation of language learning ability can not only improve students,language performance,but also cultivate students,good language habits and language literacy,and benefit students for life.As a special group,left-behind children in rural primary schools need to strengthen the training of Chinese language learning ability.First,clarify the significance and principles of the cultivation of the language learning ability of left-behind children in rural primary schools: improve the language ability of left-behind children,and then improve the human literacy of left-behind children,and shape healthy psychology and personality;to cultivate left-behind children,s language learning ability,teachers,students,The respective main roles of family and society are indispensable.Secondly,in order to deeply understand and accurately locate the problems in the language learning ability of left-behind children in rural primary schools,and to explore strategies for the development of language learning ability,the author selected two left-behind children in rural primary schools as research subjects to study the truth and obtain reliable Information,as the practical basis of this study.The survey found that the left-behind children in rural primary schools have many problems that need to be solved urgently.Then,according to a series of problems found in the left-behind children,s language learning abilities,the training strategies are proposed and determined: first,the Chinese language learning interest is cultivated by establishing a large Chinese teaching concept;then,through the adjustment of the teacher,s teaching strategies,the students,self-learning ability is cultivated;Through strengthening the cultivation of thinking ability,comprehensively improve the Chinese ability;finally develop Chinese learning habits,master the specific methods of Chinese learning.Finally,the problems that should be paid attention to when training left-behind children,s language learning ability are put forward: they must closely follow the characteristics of the language discipline and realize the unity of humanity and instrumentality;they are good at using the advantageous resources of schools and society to make up for the family education by the school,s key educational work Insufficient;school education cooperates with family education and social education,and teaches in a scientific and orderly manner.
Keywords/Search Tags:left-behind children, language learning ability, training strategies
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