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The Application Of Revolutionary Songs In History Teaching In Junior High School

Posted on:2020-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L ChenFull Text:PDF
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Nowadays,the development of scientific information promotes technological progress,and the way of production,life and study of the whole human society is constantly updated.For the development and utilization of educational resources has become a hot direction of educational research,the author believes that there are three reasons for the following.First,the development and utilization of educational resources benefit from the development of scientific information technology.In the past,the way of collecting research data was very limited,but with the diversification of information means,the collection and arrangement of educational resources became more and more simple,which promoted the development and application of educational resources to produce a qualitative leap.Second,in recent years,quality-oriented education is the direction of national education reform and development,the state to promote primary and secondary schools In the course of moral education,we should formulate a series of educational regulations to promote the development of moral education of primary and secondary school students,and require the educational departments to actively adjust the educational principles and policies to promote the forward development of education.Teachers should give full play to the role of teaching resources in daily teaching and students should work hard to learn related knowledge in the process of learning.Third,there are too many things that attract students' attention and so many temptations,which interfere with the cultivation of learners' interest in learning.The research on the development and application of educational resources can help to solve this kind of realistic problems.Revolutionary classical songs are not only an important part of Chinese traditional culture,but also an important part of Chinese nation spirit.Therefore,the development and application of Revolutionary classical songs are very necessary.The significance of the exploitation and utilization of resources is the inheritance of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation,the continuation of the spirit of the Chinese nation,the in-depth exploration and application of teaching resources,and is more beneficial to the interests of current junior middle school learners in learning history.To realize the teacher-led high-efficiency growth classroom.In the first chapter,the author analyzes the definition,classification and advantages of revolutionary songs in teaching.After the Chinese working class ascended the historical stage,the revolutionary classical songs began to develop step by step,gradually ushered in its creation peak.Revolutionary classic songs and history teaching blend,promote,thus realize the heritage of culture,and excellent revolutionary traditional culture can give students strong hearing and psychological impact.Attract students and guide them to focus on the history class,avoid the re-emergence of the classroom based on the inherent knowledge of the textbook,so as to achieve flexible and interesting classroom teaching,students to the revolutionary scripture After the strong interest in the history of classical songs,it is beneficial for students to experience history in their own right.The classification of revolutionary classical songs is mainly carried out in accordance with the period,reflecting the workers and peasants and the people in different periods,either singing heroes,singing great men,or attacking imperialism and hostile forces.The advantages of using revolutionary classical songs in history teaching are mainly reflected in the creation of teaching situation,the enhancement of learning interest and the improvement of artistic appreciation,and so on.The application of the revolutionary classical songs is beneficial to enrich the teaching contents and improve the teaching forms,and also to stimulate the students' thinking ability.The second chapter of this paper mainly investigates the application of revolutionary classical songs in history teaching in junior high school,and analyzes the development and application methods,forms,students' reflection and teacher feedback of the current revolutionary classical songs,which is a historical teaching resource,and so on.Analysis of the data shows that there are many problems in teaching resources at present.On the one hand,the development and use of teaching resources are not comprehensive enough,teaching means are not diversified.On the other hand,the construction of moral education and aesthetic education is not perfect enough,and then some students pay less attention to the revolutionary classical songs because of the temptation of the outside world,which leads to their inability to have a clear understanding of the history of revolution.The third chapter is mainly about the concrete application principle of revolutionary classical songs in class,which is divided into three principles: scientific,effective and persistent.We should pay attention to these three principles and consolidate and strengthen the contents in time when the revolutionary classical songs are used in the classroom.Through the introduction of the revolutionary classical songs into the classroom examples and the analysis of the teaching ideas,we should pay attention to these three principles and strengthen the contents we have learned.Then collect and collate the revolutionary classic songs,and confirm that the songs can be used.In the teaching cases,the principles of scientific,effective and continuous use of revolutionary classical songs are fully reflected,and the theory is put into practice.Finally,through the form of appendix,this paper sets up a revolutionary classical song library,which can be used to collect and organize songs,which will facilitate teachers' teaching and students' learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:junior high school history teaching, quality education, revolutionary classical songs, application principles
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