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Research On The Philosoghical Signifucance Of Computing Social Science

Posted on:2020-10-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X R DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330590994865Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper selects the historical and political fields of two big data applications as case entry points,and through empirical analysis,explores the changes that the computational social sciences have caused in cognitive methods,research objects and methods.Then reveal its philosophical significance.The study believes that computational historiography is more dynamic than the traditional historiography in the study of cognitive concepts,and it effectively solves the non-settable coding of content data,and solves the problem of traditional historians.The central presupposition of the research content extends the picture of the researchable content;the introverted and evolvable database method based on the logic algorithm kernel effectively promotes the quantitative research methods in the social sciences and opens up the historical research methods.The new path constructs a multi-dimensional picture of historical research;the research object of computational history changes from the original representative selection text to the full coverage of historical documents,and maximizes the use of the complete set of data samples.Through the analysis of visible political science,using data analysis tools to explain and deal with political phenomena and civil political behaviors,the calculation of social science has expanded a more de-centered,more open and shared public political research field;The content extends to the prediction of citizens' political inclinations and the feedback of government governance behaviors.The data laws obtained through data mining may be contingent than the causal laws,but the empirical database method is used to test and verify.The law of development can explain the past guessing the future and extend the cognitive field.Based on the above analysis,this paper explains the philosophical significance of computing social science from three dimensions.The first is the transformation of cognitive style: computing social science attaches importance to the search for relevance,this new insight into the "non-setup",the science that comes out of science "beginning with the problem" begins with the new "data" Road,the realization of a new research paradigm shift.Secondly,the breakthrough in research methods,the calculation of the generation of social science provides a qualitative and quantitative benign interaction model and feasibility space to achieve the multi-integration of the two.While improving the logical rigor of quantification,it also provides qualitative theoretical assurance and explanation for the complexity description in the research process.In the era of big data,the behavior of human individuals themselves or their connected social network activities has become a coded existence,providing a new field of research,thus realizing the transformation of research objects.Therefore,from a philosophical point of view,the computational social science that has just emerged for 10 years is a turning point and a revolutionary change in the history of social science development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Big data, computing social science, Philosophical meaning, cognitive approach, research method
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