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Research On Micro-course Design And Practice Of Improving Junior High School Students' Quality Of Mathematical Culture

Posted on:2019-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330590475839Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the new round of curriculum reform,the Ministry of education has established the "moral tree" as the basic task of education,highlighting the main status of students,and strive to cultivate students' core quality! Mathematics,as an important part of human culture,the improvement of students' cultural quality is an indispensable aspect of the development of core literacy.The unique contribution of mathematics education is mainly reflected in the rational spirit of science,taking into account the role of moral education and aesthetic education at the same time.Mathematics curriculum standard(2011)has put " reflecting the cultural value of mathematics" in the important position of the basic concept of curriculum design,advocating mathematics culture into mathematics teaching materials,mathematics classroom,and gradually into the hearts and souls of students.Therefore,the improvement of students' interest in mathematics learning and the acquisition of mathematics culture quality can not be separated from the penetration of mathematics culture by teachers in teaching.only by letting students experience the occurrence process of mathematics,experience the activity experience of mathematics,and feel the status of mathematics culture in human civilization,can students realize the essence of mathematics,appreciate the beauty of mathematics,and form good humanistic feelings,scientific rational spirit and healthy aesthetic taste.The research of this paper mainly points to the design of micro-class of junior high school students' mathematical culture quality acquisition,and explores a new mode of integration of micro-class and classroom teaching.Micro-class as a new teaching method,has the characteristics of short time,wonderful content,can be suspended at any time,repeated playback,etc.,which to some extent make up for the shortcomings of traditional teaching,making learning form diversification and liberalization.The author puts forward to integrate the history of mathematics,the beauty of mathematics,the story of mathematicians,mathematical games and other materials,with the aid of schiavo whiteboard,PPT,excel,flash,geometer's sketchpad and other educational technology for the design and recording of micro-class,and the practice of Ningbo Fenghua district,a junior high school students,so that different levels of students through in-class or out-ofclass learning micro-class,comprehensive and profound understanding of the cultural connotation of mathematics,to achieve the goal of improving their mathematical cultural quality.This paper is divided into five parts: the first chapter introduces the background andsignificance of the study,literature review,the definition of core concepts,research ideas and methods;The second chapter is the theoretical basis: the theoretical basis for the study of constructivism and humanism;The third chapter points to the study of micro-class design of mathematical culture quality acquisition,and explores the design principles,curriculum objectives and basic models.The fourth chapter points to the micro-class cases of mathematical culture quality acquisition,and analyzes the design and practice of three typical micro-class cases.The fifth chapter studies the conclusion and the prospect,analyzes the insufficiency,looks forward to the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Junior high school mathematics, Pointing to cultural quality, Micro-course
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