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Cultivation Of College Students' Social Responsibility Existing Problems And Countermeasures

Posted on:2020-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330590462739Subject:Marxist theory
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The development of the world today is changing with each passing day,and international competition is becoming increasingly fierce.The essence of this is the contest of the comprehensive national strength of each country.In the contest,high-tech talents are the core strength of competition.Colleges and universities are the main battlefield for cultivating high-tech talents.College students are the reserve army of hightech talents.The construction of colleges and universities and the improvement of the quality of college students are related to the success or failure of China's socialist cause and the key to whether China can successfully achieve leap-forward development.Since the reform and development,especially in recent decades,China's economy has developed at a high speed,the country has become stronger,and its comprehensive national strength has steadily improved.Now it has entered the stage of decisive victory in building a well-off society in an all-round way.Our party has already proposed that by the middle of this century,we must greatly improve the living standards of our people and basically realize the modernization of our country in various fields.In order to achieve this goal,college students,as the backbone of the future,as a high-tech talent in the future,have enormous strength in economic and social development,and must shoulder the sacred duty of building the motherland and revitalizing China.This requires that college students must not lose sight of the importance of raising awareness of social responsibility while learning professional skills.The so-called social responsibility consciousness refers to the attitude of a member of an independent personality to the duties,tasks and missions of the state,the collective and others.College students are the future and hope of the country and the nation.Only when they have a strong sense of social responsibility and can continue to strengthen in practice can they finally achieve the goal of national rejuvenation and national prosperity.The study and life of colleges and universities is an important experience of college students' life.This stage is also a key period for the formation of college students' social responsibility consciousness.Therefore,how to provide qualified talents with excellent professional skills and social responsibility for the society and the country is the current major A problem that colleges and universities need to pay attention to.In general,most college students have a positive sense of social responsibility.After receiving family education and secondary education,they all care about the development of the country,society and self,and they also understand their responsibilities.However,in the current college students,there is indeed a lack of awareness of social responsibility.Their ideals and beliefs are weak.They only pay attention to their personal future,neglect the collective interests,and cannot correctly understand and shoulder the social responsibilities that they should bear.This situation occurs because of social and family reasons,as well as the problems of colleges and universities themselves.At present,the education of many colleges and universities only pays attention to the study of knowledge ability,neglects the education of responsibility consciousness.The system construction of the school and the improvement of the ability of teachers have not kept up with the development of society.The cultivation method of responsibility consciousness is not perfect enough.Paying attention to practical education has led to the predicament of college students' social responsibility education.Therefore,in order to enable university students to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the development of the whole country,it is of profound theoretical significance and important practical significance to study how to strengthen the cultivation of college students' social responsibility awareness in colleges and universities.This thesis starts from the importance of cultivating the social responsibility consciousness of college students,deeply analyzes the existing problems,and puts forward the realistic solutions,which are divided into four parts:The first part is an introduction.The introduction part first introduces the research background of this thesis,and draws the purpose and significance of the research.Then,based on the review of relevant research results at home and abroad,the research ideas and research methods of this paper are put forward.The second part is a summary of the social responsibility awareness of college students.Firstly,it sorts out the related concepts of responsibility consciousness,such as the definition of "responsibility consciousness","social responsibility consciousness" and "college students' social responsibility consciousness",and then discusses the theoretical basis and current education mode of college students' social responsibility consciousness education.Finally,it analyzes the important practical significance of strengthening the education of university social responsibility consciousness in improving the personal quality of college students and promoting the healthy and stable development of society.The third part analyzes the problems and reasons in the college level of social responsibility awareness.At present,the main problem of college students' social responsibility consciousness is that they only pay attention to personal interests and their own development,do not talk about social morality,ignore collective and national interests,and do not shoulder the responsibility for the state and the nation.The causes of these problems mainly lie in the lack of theoretical research in universities,the unclear educational goals,and the inadequate educational methods.The fourth part expounds the countermeasures for colleges and universities to enhance college students' sense of social responsibility.To raise the awareness of college students' social responsibility,we need to start from five aspects.First,universities should attach great importance to the education of college students' social responsibility awareness.Second,schools should strengthen institutional construction and form a good school atmosphere.Third,teachers must upgrade their professional skills and achieve The people should be based on material education,and the fourth is that teachers should strengthen their personal moral cultivation,strengthen the construction of teachers' morality and style,and set a good example in the process of teaching and educating people.Fifth,students should actively participate in social practice,hone their will,improve their ability,and strengthen themselves.Social responsibility awareness.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, social responsibility awareness, cultivation
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