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Research On The Fertility Policy In Contemporary Russia

Posted on:2020-05-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L ZhangFull Text:PDF
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As the country with the largest land area in the world,Russia has a population of only 146 million by 2018,and its population distribution is extremely uneven.The population close to Europe accounts for about 4/5 of the national population,while the population of the eastern region is dense.Less than one square kilometer.Therefore,the sparse population has always been a problem that plagues Russia.Russia is bordered by China in the geographical position.Understanding the population situation in Russia is also relevant for China.In May 2006,the Lieutenant General of the Russian Federation outlined the population crisis as the most acute problem in modern Russia.According to data provided by the Russian Federal Statistical Office,1992 was a turning point for Russia.Since then,the population has begun to decline steadily as the death rate is higher than the birth rate.About 2 million people die in Russia each year,mainly because Russian households have low incomes,poor housing conditions and low levels of reproductive health.On the other hand,low birth rates are typical of most developed countries in the modern world and are value systems.The changes caused:modern families are concerned with small families,and adults of childbearing age spend a considerable part of their time and energy into their careers.The Russian government's policy of encouraging births aims to improve the birth rate through policies,and to change the natural population growth rate through other social and economic policies,and ultimately achieve the goal of increasing the population.The Russian government has provided measures to form the essence of the family policy,aimed at improving the living conditions of families with children,such as financial support for the family(welfare and economic benefits);fiscal stimulation of the birth rate(especially the second or third in the family)Children born after paying “mother capital”);strengthening publicity with family,marriage,and children as basic values.Against the background of a severe population crisis with low fertility rate,theRussian national government attaches great importance to the issue of low fertility levels and continuously introduces birth policies to improve the population of Russia.The paper mainly sorts out the demographic changes in Russia over the years.Through the compilation and summary of the birth rate,natural growth rate and fertility rate,it summarizes the relevant maternity policies introduced at the Russian national level to improve the low fertility level and summarizes a series of birth policies.The characteristics of the fertility policy were evaluated,and the problems faced by the Russian fertility policy were analyzed.On this basis,the prospects for further improvement were put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contemporary Russia, fertility level, fertility policy
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