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A Study On The Teaching Method Of "Foreign Novel Appreciation"

Posted on:2018-12-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L HouFull Text:PDF
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Since the beginning of the new curriculum reform in Hubei Province has been nine years,aimed at improving the students' language literacy training with independent innovation ability and practical ability of the new curriculum reform under the erosion of examination-oriented education slowly mottled.How to use the elective textbooks to implement the concept of new curriculum reform,so that the classroom is lively and meaningful connotation of my efforts to the direction.This paper explores the teaching methods with strong practical significance by combing the literature and investigating the present situation of the teaching of foreign novels in the high school stage,combining with the arrangement intention of this teaching material and the knowledge theory related to foreign novels.Specifically divided into four parts.The first part,introduction.First of all,it briefly explains the origin of the author's topic.Then,it explains the concept of "teaching method".Finally,it summarizes the domestic "foreign novel appreciation" teaching materials and teaching research results and problems.The second part,the foreign novel appreciation course in high school stage teaching situation overall description.First of all,the introduction of the new curriculum reform in Hubei Province since the use of the textbook,college entrance examination;with the questionnaire survey and student interviews to understand the practical problems of foreign novel teaching and learning;the final return to the new curriculum "foreign novel appreciation" curriculum objectives.The third part,on the basis of the previous research,combines the characteristics of foreign novels and related theories,and puts forward the conception of the teaching method of foreign novels.In order to improve the students' Learning the enthusiasm of the language and classroom efficiency,the author proposed based on student confusion to develop the case study.The fourth part,the teaching method under the guidance of the overall concept of teaching practice,including two teaching design and a teaching fragment,a guide case.
Keywords/Search Tags:new curriculum, elective course, "foreign novel appreciation", teaching method
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