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Reform Experience Of "Group Reading And Class Learning" Of Chinese In Primary School

Posted on:2018-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330548471409Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Taking the curriculum reform of "Group Reading" in No.2 Primary School of Guanggu in Wuhan as the turning point,this paper expounds the connotation and theoretical basis of the curriculum reform of "Group Reading".This paper expounds the compilation idea of school-based "Group Reading" and the pertinence of curriculum implementation,and probes into the teaching method of "Group Reading",hoping to improve the reading ability of primary school students by means of "Group Reading" and"Group Reading".Form a good language literacy.The full text is divided into the following several parts.The introduction part discusses the course reform of "reading group class" in the background.The face of students reading interest is not high,the lack of reading methods and reading the proposed new curriculum goal,according to the actual situation of the local education bureau of East Lake,high room research on the curriculum reform of the reading class study group from 2013 onwards,Wuhan city Optics Valley second primary school undertakes test the task of curriculum reform,the creation of a new reading course,namely "group class to read and learn."In the first chapter,the course of "Group Reading" is explained in detail,which is explained from the two aspects of "Group Reading" and "Group Reading".Han Xinge of Shandong Province and Dou Guimei of Beijing analyze the similarities and differences between "Group Reading" and "Group Reading".This chapter also expounds the compilation of "group reading class" course.Then,from the angle of educational psychology,it analyzes the theoretical basis of "Group Reading".Finally,we compare and analyze the teaching objectives,learning areas,student learning methods and evaluation tools from the perspective of "group reading" course,and find that "group reading class" meets the needs of the implementation of the new curriculum standard.The second chapter points out the primary common reading enthusiasm is not enough in reading,a small amount of reading,reading the lack of guidance,and launched an investigation in view of the status quo of students reading and reading ability.The questionnaire survey found that the current primary school reading at the students'interest in reading is not high in the teaching of reading to obtain single,serious phenomenon of reading the lack of guidance,the situation was far from the reading ability of students in the new curriculum requirements.Therefore,in-depth analysis and comparison on the status quo of this chapter,and discuss the reasons of reading problems of pupils.Namely:teachers lack of the students' reading ability consciousness;students'reading interest,reading small family;create a reading environment is not enough.The third chapter mainly discusses the teaching ideas and teaching methods of the course of "Group Reading".The teaching ideas of "Group Reading" are:widening the scope of reading and classifying the materials;The teaching methods of Group Reading Science are as follows:using various reading methods to consolidate the reading foundation;Create a classroom discussion atmosphere,so that students inspire each other;Give full play to the role of writing to promote reading.In the fourth chapter "group class reading course brought results,also the shortcomings of group class to read the course of multi angle analysis,and put forward some suggestions for Chinese primary school" group read class "course reform:to strengthen practice,highlighting humanistic care,according to the characteristics of school teaching students in accordance of their aptitude and strengthen the accumulation and application of language.The conclusion part summarizes the full text content,put forward the direction of future efforts."The group reading class course to play a greater role,need to make adjustments,grade,the implementation of teaching,according to the design characteristics of each grade for each grade students,need the teacher every week in the course of the implementation.The design of "autonomous reading "and" the teacher explained "the proportion of the distribution,reading the text choose the" openness "of how to control,these are worthy of further exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:chinese in primary school, "group reading and class learning", Curriculum Revolution, reading instruction
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