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The Application Of Conjecture In Mathematics Propositional Teaching

Posted on:2019-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L WanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330545972489Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of curriculum reform and the introduction of mathematics core quality,mathematics classroom teaching faces a new challenge.The aim of mathematics teaching activities is to be more explicit,to pay more attention to mathematical modeling activities and mathematical inquiry activities,to promote the development of students' application ability and innovative consciousness.As a method of mathematical discovery,conjecture can help to cultivate students' creative ability.According to the survey,students' guessing ability is not very strong,so it is necessary to study how to train students' innovative ability with teaching.This paper adopts literature method,text analysis and case analysis,and discusses the theoretical basis,teaching principle and how to apply the conjecture to propositional teaching.Through the literature review of conjecture and propositional teaching,it can be found that it is feasible and necessary to apply to propositional teaching,and also conforms to the principle of propositional teaching.Guess that is a problem for the research object,or to observe,experiment and analysis,analogy,lenovo,induction,etc.,on the basis of existing materials and knowledge to meet certain experience and facts of speculative thought way of thinking,with guess you can discover new mathematical theory.The propositions in mathematics teaching are proved true propositions,and these are true propositions which are produced by conjecture.Students learn mathematics,not only the knowledge of mathematics,but also the method of mathematics.Therefore,it is necessary to pay attention to conjecture in proposition teaching.It is suggested that the application of propositional teaching should focus on how to apply the conjecture to the teaching of propositional teaching.Based on the content of propositional teaching,this paper divides the conjectures intointuitionistic,inductive,and analogue generation,so as to realize the conjecture applied to propositional teaching.Through the propositional content of text analysis in the process of mathematics teaching material suppose four principles applied in the thesis teaching: one is the feasibility principle,feasibility principle requires teachers to set is the student is familiar with the situation,to awaken students existing knowledge experience.The second is the question principle.The conjecture in teaching is not to make students guess,but to guide students to guess by setting up related questions.Third,the principle of reinvention.The teaching design of this principle should help students to experience a process of discovering new knowledge,cultivate students' creativity,and learn mathematical methods and important ideas.Fourthly,the principle of validity is that the application of conjecture in propositional teaching should make students' learning effective and should promote the teaching of teachers and students' learning.According to guess that applied in the thesis teaching the teaching principle way of research,design the sine theorem,the area of the trapezoid formula and "between two points,the shortest line segment" three teaching cases?...
Keywords/Search Tags:conjecture, proposition teaching, teaching principle
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