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Teaching Practice Of Poetry To Primary Schools Of Thailan

Posted on:2018-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330518958273Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Poetry has a high value both in language and culture and should have been taken seriously in the field of teaching Chinese to foreigners.However,considering the long history and uncommon characteristics of poetry as well as the practical view of teaching Chinese to foreigners,Chinese poetries have been ignored for a long time.What's more,series of problems exist in teaching poetries including the teachers,the teaching materias and also the teaching methods.I want to discuss about the teaching methods to change the situation of teaching poetries to foreigners and to promote the development of it.I did my research of teaching poetries in Watmethang Karawas School in Thailand for about three months.Before I starting the research,I searched an amount of information and got known of the situation of teaching poetries to foreigners especially the teaching methods.What's more,I did the questionares both in students of Watmethang Karawas School and teachers in Phrae.Then I design the teaching methods according to the results of the questionnaires.During my study,I applied translating method,reading method,image method,music method and situational method to teaching poetries and recorded the students' responses and feedback in detaill.After my study,I analyzed and summarized the effectiveness and shortcomings of each teaching method.According to the results,I made such suggestions towards the methods as:Firstly,the teaching method of poetries should make full use of the multimedia;Secondly,the teaching method of poetries should pay more attention to interestingness;Last but not least,different teaching methods should be combined together.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thailand, Primary school students, Poetry, Teaching methods
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