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Research On High School Students' Cognition Of Science Authority And Its Influence On Their Competences Of Oral Scientific Argumentation

Posted on:2018-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330518476030Subject:Pedagogical กค chemistry
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With continuous integration of science and social life,the cognition of science authority is making more and more obvious influence on people's scientific judgment and decision-making process.It's also playing an increasingly important role in people's social life and practice.Therefore,it is great practical significance to develop the relevant research on cognition of science authority.In this study,the literature research method is used to sort out the related concepts,characteristics and structural elements of cognition of science authority.On this basis,a questionnaire is designed to obtain the important data on the current development status of high school students' cognition of science authority.At the same time,the oral scientific argumentation is selected as the practical means of scientific judgment and decision-making of students,and the influence on high school students' competence of oral scientific argumentation is studied by the activity analysis method.This study finds that high school students have a higher recognition of evidence authority and teacher authority than others authority.The main reason why high school students recognize the science authority is their professional literacy and personal charm.Boys have a higher degree of recognition than girls according to evidence authority and network authority.Senior students have a higher recognition of evidence authority than junior students.There is no apparent connection between students' cognition of science authority and school.Generally speaking,Students with cognition of evidence authority show a higher ability of oral scientific argumentation Students with cognition of teachers'authority have certain problems in completing oral scientific argumentation task.This study is mainly composed of the following six parts:The first part is "Introduction".The background of the problem is explained,the content and significance of the research is expounded.The research ideas and methods are determined by summarizing the existing research conclusions.The second part is "Theoretical basis".This part firstly analyzed the related concepts about cognition of science authority,described its' characteristics and four structural elements is established.Afterwards,the relationship between cognition of science authority and oral scientific argumentation is emphasized.The third part is "Research design".The research object who participate in questionnaires and oral scientific argumentation is described.The design and evaluation principles of questionnaire is explained,the design and implementation process of oral scientific argumentation is also introduced.The fourth part is "The research result of high school students' cognition development of science authority".According to the statistic results of questionnaire,the current development status of high school students' cognition development of science authority is described.The characteristics of high school students' cognition with different genders,grades and academic performance levels is described and analyzed.The fifth part is "The influence of high school students' cognition of science authority on their competence of oral scientific argumentation".High school students'competences of oral scientific argumentation is evaluated from its' quality and composition.The influence of high school students' cognition of science authority on their competences of oral scientific argumentation is further analyzed.The sixth part is "The conclusion and reflection of research".The conclusions of research are described,the inspiration,innovation and prospect of future research are also summarized.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school students, cognition of science authority, competence of oral scientific argumentation
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