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Research On The Cooperative Teaching In Inclusive Education For Some Students

Posted on:2018-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330515966552Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper started my research.According to the inclusive education theory as the basis,the use of cooperative teaching mode based on theory of form.Changsha Zhounan Xiufeng school as an example,to the school.But students in statistics,classification,understanding and learning.According to their real life,and to a class as a unit,division four of a cooperative group,and role assignment to team members,formulate the individualized teaching goal,grasp the course in the actual teaching class,before or after each session.Study on the method of case,Wang as an example,analyzes the whole process of the cooperative learning in physical education,and the comparative analysis of Wang working group of 4 members after a year later in behavior,emotional cooperation in sports teaching mode under the change of attitude,the three dimensions of physical health.The research results show that the teaching method can improve students' special sports cooperation and cooperation of team members interested in learning,the improvement of old behavior pattern,promote class harmony and common development.Because of love,learning team pre grinding With the identity to the later group took a certain time period of development the process of common cause,special students' physical health score and progress cooperation team members did not score phenomenon.Finally,according to the results of the study put forward four proposals:First:to push for pilot cooperative teaching method in ordinary schools "special students in teaching;Second:to strengthen the study and research,optimize and improve the practical operation of cooperative teaching methods;Third:teachers and students,student cooperation combination to improve the teaching effect;Fourth:teachers need to have a caring heart,always remembering the concept--"don't give up any one of the students ".The main purpose of this paper is that in the current context of education,although most special children are enrolled in special schools,but there are still a small number of students in ordinary schools.These students in physical,intellectual,psychological,emotional and other aspects do not have the advantage of mass education and the school in general,very difficult to be targeted,the adaptability of education.The concept of inclusive education is to abandon the old concept,safeguard fair education,the development of all.How to balance this part of the"disadvantaged students" this is our educators must think about the problem solving.Based on the idea of inclusive education as the foundation,adhering to the "common for everyone involved.The development of" principle,to Changsha Zhounan Xiufeng school students and special cooperative teams as the research object,combined with the characteristics of PE teaching,combined with the use of case study and experimental teaching method,To explore the application effect of the cooperative teaching theory in sports teaching.Attempts to take the theory with practice,explore a special part can make the students in the regular class situation can also follow the normal students together with the development of sports teaching mode.Therefore,this research is to collect information in various aspects.Such as inclusive education the adaptability of sports,cooperative teaching,the definition of special students and other related concepts.At the same time also collected domestic and foreign special education students,the problem of the origin,development,status quo,problems and so on.To understand the special education students in all aspects and familiar,find out the deficiencies of research on special education students and not involved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inclusive Education, Some Students with Special Needs, Cooperative Leaching, Physical Education Teaching
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