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A Case Study Of "Internet+Government Services" Innovation In Chengdu Social Security

Posted on:2021-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330626455661Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The emergence of emerging information technologies such as the Internet,cl oud computing,and big data has first made waves in many traditional industries and enterprises."Internet+" has become a catalyst for many traditional industries and enterprises to transform into digital.In 2015,"Internet+" was formally writt en in the reports of the two sessions.In 2015,the State Council issued a docum ent No.40,which clearly mentioned the need to integrate the Internet with medi cal,health,pension,social security and other beneficial services to innovate the government service model.Social security is a matter of people's livelihood.Chi na's relevant social security departments have actively responded to the national policy call,explored and innovated Internet-based social security services,and ma de major measures in terms of basic capacity improvement and management serv ice innovation,and proposed the formation of online and offline Integration,orde rly service,standardized,safe and efficient "Internet + human society" action goa ls,and actively carried out demonstration construction and pilot promotion.This article takes Chengdu Social Security's "Internet + government services" as a case study object,describes and combs the case background and implemen tation process of Chengdu Social Security's "Internet + government services",and restores Chengdu Social Security's "Internet + government services" more compr ehensively.Innovative practice.Combined with the public management and e-gov ernment related theories,the case was deeply analyzed,and the following enlight enment was obtained:(1)Practicing the concept of service-oriented government,paying attention to public needs,adhering to people-oriented;focusing on business integration,achie ving service output;introducing social forces and pursuing joint collaboration.(2)Innovating management service model,online services are more integrate d;management services are more proactive;supervision and management are mor e precise.(3)Boosting service quality,reduce government management costs,and furth er improve public service quality.Finally,around the start of the case,relevant suggestions were put forward: deepening the approval reform of the social security department,expanding the r esources related to "Internet + government services",broadening the sharing of i nformation resources between departments,building a complete resource guarantee,and imposing window business management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chengdu labor security work, "Internet + government services", case
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