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Research On The Influence Of Government Administrative Law Enforcement Ability On Public Satisfaction

Posted on:2021-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330611461017Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,in the context of comprehensively deepening the strategy of governing the country according to law and building a service-oriented government,it is of great significance tostudy the relationship between administrative l-aw enforcement capabilities and government public satisfaction.With the deepening of China's administrative law enforcement system reform and the construction of a serviceoriented government in recent years,the government's administ-rative law enforcement capacity and the quality of govornment work have improved to a certain extent.So,what is the current capacity of our government's administrative law enforcement? What is the government's public satisfactin?Does administrative law enforcement capacity affect government public satisfaction? Other issues are the researchissues of this article.This paper uses quantitative resrarchmethods to deeply explore the impact of government administ-rative law enforcement capacity on government public satis-faction.Administrative law enforcement is divided into fo-ur dimensions: traffic law enforcement,urban management l-aw enforcement,health law enforcement,and environmentallaw enforcement.“Marketing and law enforcement capabilit-ies”,“Urban law enforcement capabilities”,“Health en-forcement capabilities” and “Environmental enforcement c-apabilities” are the independent variables of administrat-ive enforcement capabilities.Take individual characterist ics as control v-ariables,the dependent variable governme nt publicsatifacti-on is divided into three dimensions: bas ic public servicesatisfaction,natural and social environme nt satisfaction,and social fairness satisfaction.After so rting out the dat-a of 2840 valid samplesof CGSS2015,using deta14.0 to per-form statistical analysissuch as descript ive analysis,factor analysis,multiple stepwise regression analysis,etc.,theconclusions are as follows:First,the general administrative law enforcement capabilities in different areas of the government are generally modest.Second,the public satisfaction of the three dimensions of the government is significantly different,of whichthe satisfaction of basic public services is lower than thepublic satisfaction of other aspects of the government.Third,the age and education level of the control variables have an impact on government public satisfaction,of which age has a positive effect on government public satisfaction,education level has a negative effect on government public satisfaction,and the remaining personal characteristic variables It has no effect on the government satisfaction of the dependent variable.Fourth,in terms of the relationshipbetween administrative law enforcement capabilities and government public satisfaction,traffic law enforcement capabilities have nothing to do with government public satisfaction.Market vendors' law enforcement capabilities,urban illegal construction law enforcement capabilities,health law enforcement capabilities,and environmental law enforcementcapabilities have significant government satisfaction Positive impact,which indicates that not all administrative enforcement capabilities in all areas have an impact on government public satisfaction.This paper believes that in order to improve the ability of administrative law enforcement in the future,we need to start from three aspects: the need to change the concept of administrative law enforcement;the need to improve relevant laws and regulations and the construction of systems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Government administrative law enforcement ability, Public satisfaction, Individual characteristics
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