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Marx's Distributive Justice Thought And Its Contemporary Situation

Posted on:2020-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330599457335Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Distributive justice is the core of social fairness and justice.So it is necessary to set a time request to the reform of income distribution.Although Marx did not have any treatise on “distributive justice”,the important thought of “ideal” of distributive justice was formed by focusing on the discussion on the bourgeois view of justice and the principle of “distributive justice” in different stages of communist society in Critique of Gotha Program and his other relevant works,which will be of guiding significance for China to carry out the reform of income distribution and to realize the transformation from “ideal” to “reality” of distributive justice.Logically supported by the critical presentation of Marx's distributive justice and the main content of Marx's distributive justice in Critique of Gotha Program,this paper explores the development,practice and guiding significance of Marx ' s thought of distributive justice in contemporary China.The writing of this thesis is divided into four parts:In the first part,the paper points out the topic basis and significance of this paper,literature review,research ideas and methods of this paper,key and difficult points,characteristics and innovations and other issues for a kind of preliminary clarify to lay the foundation for the organization of this paper.In the second part,Marx's criticism of Lasalle's thought of equitable distribution and the injustice of capitalist distribution in Critique of Gotha Program.This part,as a logical start,is mainly on the basis of a brief overview of equitable distribution of Lasalle's idea in Marx's Critique of Gotha program,analyses the facts of the separation of means of production and workers,and points out that the essence of unjust distribution in capitalist society is the separation of labor and capital,which provides the supporting point of the critical presentation of Marx's “distributive justice”.In the third part,the summary of Marx's basic thought of distributive justice in Critique of Gotha Program is clarified which is the logical entry of this paper.On thebasis of the first chapter,this chapter mainly carries out the deep analysis,such as the theoretical basis,the core issues,the basic principle of realizing distributive justice and the realization and the dissolution of distributive justice in communist society,and systematic construction and analysis of Marx's theory of distributive justice.In the fourth part,the reflection on “The reconstruction of Marx ' s thought of distributive justice and practice in contemporary China” is presented.This part is the logical end and value orientation of this paper.Based on the contemporary reality and chapter two in which the basic content of Marx's distributive justice is extracted and summarized,this part discusses the inheritance,development and practical circumstance of Marx's thought of distributive justice in modern and contemporary times,starting from the two major issues “Reconstruction of Marx's thought of distribution justice in the perspective of contemporary western Marxism” and “Practical enlightenment of Marx's thought on how to realize distributive justice in contemporary China”.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx, Critique of Gotha Program, distributive justice, contemporary situation
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