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A Study On The Revolutionary Culture And Ideology Of The Communist Party Of China In The New Era

Posted on:2020-02-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330575997160Subject:History of development of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The revolutionary culture of the Communist Party of China was born in the struggle practice of the New Democratic Revolution and the Socialist Revolution.It is a great spiritual achievement formed by the Communist Party of China leading the Chinese people in the revolution.At present,socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,and building a well-off society in an all-round way has entered a critical period.In order to cope with the complex changes in domestic and foreign situations and to prevent and resolve major risks and challenges,many new great struggles with the characteristics of the times are needed.To carry out the great struggle requires us to inherit and carry forward the revolutionary culture and spirit formed by the Communist Party of China during the revolutionary war.On the premise of accurately grasping the new historical position of socialism with Chinese characteristics entering the new era,the Communist Party of China has always stood at the height of the national cultural development strategy and the long-term ruling of the Communist Party of China,and has made a thorough study of why the new era should carry forward the revolutionary culture,what kind of revolutionary culture it should carry forward and how to carry forward the revolutionary culture,thus gradually forming a new The Communist Party's revolutionary cultural thought.The revolutionary culture of the Communist Party of China is the witness of the glorious history of China's revolution and construction.It permeates the lofty ideals of the Communists of China,condenses the noble morality and fine qualities of the broad masses of the people,contains the spiritual form reflecting the values of socialism and communism,is the great spiritual achievement formed by the Communist Party of China leading the Chinese people in the revolutionary war and is the internal affairs of the Party The source of governing culture.To study the revolutionary culture of the Communist Party of China in the new era is undoubtedly of great practical significance for better cohesion,better strengthening the Party's construction and better building socialism with Chinese characteristics.The formation of the revolutionary cultural thought of the communist party of China in the new era has profound social and historical conditions.Internationally,security and challenges have never been deeper and broader,and globalization is gaining momentum.How to maintain the cultural advantages and characteristics of our nation and cope with the contradictions and problems brought about by the development of globalization is the subject of our times.This is the background of the formation of the revolutionary culture and ideology of the communist party of China in the new era.At home,socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.To cope with the complex situation at home and abroad and promote the great development and prosperity of Chinese culture,we need to vigorously carry forward revolutionary culture.To carry out great struggles,build great projects,advance great undertakings and realize great dreams in the new era,we need to continue to consolidate the dominant position of marxism in the ideological field,continue to strengthen the building of the ruling party and meet the people's growing spiritual and cultural needs.This is the realistic basis for the formation of the revolutionary culture and ideology of the communist party of China in the new era.The revolutionary cultural thoughts of the classic marxist writers and the revolutionary cultural thoughts of the CPC before the 18 th national congress of the CPC are the theoretical basis for the formation of the revolutionary cultural thoughts of the CPC in the new era.In the new era,Chinese communists,represented by comrade xi jinping,have innovatively developed revolutionary culture and ideology.First,it emphasizes the importance of revolutionary culture.The communist party of China holds that revolutionary culture is an important part of Chinese culture,the spiritual support for building a strong cultural country,and the source of inner-party political culture.Second,it enriches the main contents of revolutionary culture.In the new era,the communist party of China has made the latest elaboration on the contents of revolutionary culture,including revolutionary ideal,revolutionary cognition,revolutionary spirit,revolutionary cultural relics and revolutionary discipline,which has enriched the profound connotation of revolutionary culture.Third,explored the path of the realization of revolutionary culture.The communist party of China in the new era advocates to inherit and carry forward revolutionary culture by strengthening system construction,praising revolutionary heroes,holding commemorative activities,protecting red resources,and adopting new media and other approaches.The revolutionary cultural thought of the communist party of China in the new era has distinct theoretical characteristics and important times value.Through the contents of the revolution of the communist party of China new era culture review and summarize,can be found in the new era of revolution of the communist party of China has a distinct cultural thought inheritance spirit,continue to meet the new and the history of innovation orientation,powers,huimin bear suffering consciousness,in time of peace prepare for war and brave practice of character etc.,this shows that the new era of the communist party of China revolution distinctive cultural thoughts,has very important significance.In terms of value research,on the one hand,the revolutionary cultural thought of the communist party of China in the new era not only enriches the revolutionary cultural thought of the communist party of China,but also enriches the marxist revolutionary cultural thought.On the other hand,it is of great practical significance to strengthen the research on the revolutionary culture and ideology of the communist party of China in the new era in order to improve the quality of the Chinese nation,resist the erosion of unhealthy culture and provide spiritual impetus for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Revolution of the communist party of China new era culture thought is not only the inheritance of revolutionary culture thought of marxism,is also a revolution of generations of central collective leadership of the communist party of China the development of cultural ideas,but also based on the current practice of Chinese culture of innovation,is a logical rigor,connotation is rich ideological system,a new era to strengthen the study of revolution of the communist party of China new era culture thought has the important theory value and practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:communist party of China, Revolutionary culture, Time value
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