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Research On The System Of Government Information Applied Publicity

Posted on:2019-10-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M QinFull Text:PDF
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After ten years of exploration,the government information application-based publicity system has made good achievements.The previously unimaginable system is common,and the modern citizenship has been improved.More and more information included in government reports publicized by administrative organs of all levels based on annual application has become increasingly enriched.With continuous progress of China's democratic politics,there has an increasingly higher requirement of government construction's transparency and rule of law.Similarly,the masses have become more and more active in promoting publicity of government information.All this has raised new requirements of China's government application-based publicity system.Currently,the Regulations on Government Information Publication is still under revision.The State Council Office and the Office of Legislative Affairs are drafting the Revision Exposure Draft of Regulations on Government Information Publication.Against the backdrop,this paper proceeds from the perspective of facilitating the masses' execution of their right to apply for publication of government information to study the various elements of the information application-based publicity system.After analyzing problems existing in the government information application-based publicity system and causes of these problems,this paper proposes corresponding suggestions for improvement.This can provide relevant theoretical basis to standardize publicity of government information by administrative organs of all levels in accordance with laws and to safeguard citizens' right to get informed of government information.To sum up,this paper consists of four sections.Analysis is conducted step by step from theoretical basis to regulations of current laws and to proposals for improvement.Section 1 expounds on the government information application-based publicity system,concept of government information application-based publicity,and theoretical basis forgovernment information application-based publicity.Section 2 introduces the main content of the government information application-based publicity system.Stipulations of the Regulations on Government Information Publication concerning various procedures of government information publicity application are elaborated.In this section,the author also discusses how the masses can apply to administrative organs for government information they require,how administrative organs should handle the masses' application and how the masses can obtain right relief.Section 3 focuses on the status and problems of the government information application-based publicity information.Annual reports on government information publicity of some provinces are searched.Main reasons behind administrative organs' refusal to not publicize the information applied for are analyzed.Main problems arising from practices of the government information application-based publicity system and causes of these problems are summarized.Section 4 discusses countermeasures and suggestions for improvement of the government information application-based publicity system.Concerning problems existing in the government information application publicity system in Section 3,corresponding suggestions are proposed.It is hoped that the system can be comprehensively improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:governmental information, disclosure upon application, the right to know
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