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The Construction Of Extended Collective License System In China

Posted on:2019-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B HanFull Text:PDF
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In terms of the advantage of copyright collective license system,it can minimize transaction costs in the copyright market and solve the problem of authorization between authors and users,thus increasing licensing efficiency through centralized authorization.But the traditional copyright collective license system is incapable of dealing with the issue of the authorization of a large number of non-member and orphan works.In order to solve this problem,the Nordic countries take the lead in introducing the extended collective license system into the field of copyright protection,effectively solving this problem.In fact,legislation of copyright protection starts late in China,thus the history being not long.It is still in the early stage of the transition from publishers to authors.In addition,people in our country have weak awareness of copyright protection.There is still a long way to go before we can introduce the extended collective license system into our country.Therefore,in view of the current status of the copyright market in China,legislators should promptly adjust and perfect China's copyright legislation,straighten out the operating mechanism of copyright collective license system,and introduce the extended collective license system in China in order to make better use of it.This paper is divided into three chapters for discussion.The first part is an overview of the extended collective license system.It presents the definition,characteristics,and nature of the system,makes a comparison between the extended collective license system and legal permission(compulsory license),fair use system,points out the extended license system's value objectives,and then analyzes the important role that extended license system plays in the field of copyright in China.The second part analyzes and summarizes the problems existing in China's current copyright collective license system,and then correspondinglyproposes the necessity to establish the extended license system in China.In the third part,the author puts forward his own suggestions on the construction of China's extended license system by borrowing ideas from abroad.
Keywords/Search Tags:copyright collective management organization, the extended collective license, system construction
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